Abstract - We develop a hierarchical controller for head-to-head autonomous racing and autonomous racing amongst teams composed of cooperative agents subject to realistic safety and fairness rules. A high-level planner approximates the race as a discrete game with simplified dynamics and encodes the complex safety and fairness rules seen in real-life racing and calculates a series of target waypoints. The low-level controller takes the resulting waypoints as a reference trajectory and computes high-resolution control inputs by solving a simplified formulation of a head-to-head racing game. We consider two approaches for the low-level planner to construct two hierarchical controllers. One approach uses multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), and the other solves a linear-quadratic Nash game (LQNG) to produce control inputs. We test the controllers against three baselines: an end-to-end MARL controller, a MARL controller following a fixed racing line, and a LQNG controller following a fixed racing line. Quantitative results show that the proposed hierarchical methods outperform their respective baseline methods. The hierarchical controller using MARL for low-level control consistently outperformed all other methods in head-to-head races and more consistently adhered to the complex racing rules. Qualitatively, we observe the proposed controllers mimicking actions performed by expert human drivers such as shielding/blocking, overtaking, coordination amongst teammates, and long-term planning for delayed advantages. We show that hierarchical planning for game-theoretic reasoning produces competitive behavior even when challenged with complex rules and constraints.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first project to study teamwork in the context of autonomous racing.
Our controller implementations all reside in the
folder. Below are the main scripts
: Contains implementation of the Fixed-RL, the MCTS-RL, Fixed-LQNG, and MCTS-LQNG agents depending on the selected high-level and low-level modes in the inspector panel for agents using this script.EndToEndKartKartAgent
: Contains implementation of the E2E agent.KartAgent.cs
: Base implementation of a Karting Agent that extends from the Agent class in the Unity ML agents platform.KartMCTS.cs
: Contains an implementation of Monte Carlo tree search algorithm that is used to solve the discrete, high-level game.LQR/
: Contains classes used to construct and solve a Linear Quadratic Nash Game for one of the low-level controllers of the Hierarchical Agent.MPC/
: Contains unused/defunct implementations of an MPC based low-level controller.
We also conducted a few case studies of the high-level racing game
abstraction as presented in Chapter 3 of my
Master's Report. We use
PRISM-games to model the
abstraction and vary some initial conditions to qualitatively verify
that the solution of the high-level game produces reasonable plans. The
code for these studies is found in the hl_strategy/
folder with the
following files:
: Generates the PRISM file for a specific scenario given some race track parameters and vehicle parameterscommand.txt
: File listing commands used execute various initial conditionstwo_player_smg.prism
: Example PRISM model generated by Python scripttwo_player_smg.props
: File listing the property that is checked by the PRISM software
- Once the project is loaded into Unity Editor, open the
or theAssets/Karting/Scenes/Compete/CompeteAgents-OvalAll
scene to find pre-loaded racing environments for every pair of agents.
- Disable/Enable the desired racing environments that include desired pair of agents to be tested. Note all of the MARL agents already refer to proper the pre-trained policies.
- Select the environment mode in inspector panel.
If the environment is set to Training mode, then the agents will be spawned in random locations and the hierarchical control will be disabled.
If the environment is set to Experiment Mode, the game will run a number of simulations and record the results in the file name provided in the inspector panel on the right.
If the environment is set to Race mode, the game will run simulations until play mode has ended.
Set the Cinemachine Virtual Camera GameObject Script's Follow and Look At parameters the desired Agent's game object and Kart.
- Select which enabled environment's race details should appear on the screen by finding the TelemetryViewer Script settings in the GameHUD game object's inspector panel. 2 can be set at a time, but if only one environment is in use, then disable the second telemetry viewer.
- Press play in the Unity Editor to start simulations.
Expanded discussion of the two papers below and a detailed study of the High-Level planner model are part of my complete Master's Report here
Head to head racing paper on arXiv here
Team-based racing paper on arXiv here
Link to videos of some tactics executed by our hierarchical agents in the simulations. Here
The first video in the playlist supplements the head-to-head racing paper. The second video in the playlist supplements the team-based racing extension/paper.
author = "Rishabh Saumil Thakkar",
title = "Hierarchical Game-Theoretic Control for Multi-Agent Autonomous Racing",
school = "The University of Texas at Austin",
address = "Austin, TX, USA",
type = "Master's Report",
year = "2022 [Online]",
@article{Thakkar_2024, title={Hierarchical Control for Head-to-Head Autonomous Racing}, volume={4}, ISSN={2771-3989}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.55417/fr.2024002}, DOI={10.55417/fr.2024002}, number={1}, journal={Field Robotics}, publisher={Field Robotics Publication Society}, author={Thakkar, Rishabh and Samyal, Aryaman and Fridovich-Keil, David and Xu, Zhe and Topcu, Ufuk}, year={2024}, month=jan, pages={46–69} }
@article{10423812, author={Thakkar, Rishabh Saumil and Samyal, Aryaman Singh and Fridovich-Keil, David and Xu, Zhe and Topcu, Ufuk}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles}, title={Hierarchical Control for Cooperative Teams in Competitive Autonomous Racing}, year={2024}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-17}, keywords={Safety;Games;Trajectory;Real-time systems;Planning;Vehicle dynamics;Reinforcement learning;multi-agent systems;reinforcement learning;hierarchical control;game theory;Monte Carlo methods}, doi={10.1109/TIV.2024.3363177}}