There are 2 licenses for Redpanda. BSL covers our core and RCL (Redpanda Community License) which covers enterprise features.
BSL: The intent as we mentioned in our blog post is to allow any use of the none enterprise features Redpanda unless you want to offer Redpanda as a service. The license will at some point in the future (change date) become Apache 2.
RCL: Redpanda Community License - is intended to allow you to use enterprise features that you pay for.
We thank MariaDB and CockroachDB for pioneering the use of BSL for storage systems. It gave us a path to build an infrastructure company in the age of the hyperclouds.
Third party licenses audit files are generated on demand, the steps to do so are documented below.
- backend run
task backend:licenses:third-party
- frontend:
cd frontend
npx license-checker --csv --production > ../licenses/third_party_js.csv