const rajeeb= {
pronouns: "He" | "His",
code: ["C++", "JavaScript", "Java","Python","Solidity", "Cairo", "Rust", "ReactJS/NextJS"],
askMeAbout: ["Web Development", "Blockchain", "DeFi", "Web3", "Tokenomics", "Cryptocurrency",
"ICO", "IDO", "NFTs"],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
basicTech: ["HTML","CSS","JS","ReactJs/NextJS"]
backEnd: {
nodeJs: ["ExpressJS"]
databases: ["MongoDB", "MySQL"]
currentFocus: "Blockchain R&D, Smart Contract Security",
funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works" -- Alan Perlis
I love to talk with different people on leading edge technologies, so if you want to connect with me and say "Hi", I'll be more happy to meet you! 😊
Programming Languages
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