To start hacking with penguins-eggs, you have four ways, one for every family: debian, arch, alpine and fedora. The best is starting with Debian or Arch, where eggs is complete, reproductive and is possible to create packages. Alpine and fedora are unfinished, not reproductive yet and lacks packaging.
Basically you need to have:
- an editor, I use
, but it's your choice git
- install eggs dependencies
Note: While not essential, it is strongly recommended to fork penguins-eggs to have your own repository
This operation is not essential but is strongly recommended as it allows us to have our own version of penguins-eggs and save our work in our git repository.
The operation is rather simple, requiring us to log in at, so we first register.
In our example we will register with the name jtburchett
Then we will go to the project penguings-eggs and click on the fork
We will get our version of penguins-eggs at
I suggest to think how this is a software grow up with time, so think the history of it to understand a reason.
I started just with Debian and remastering Debian, then extend to Ubuntu and Devuan. In origin I have not deb
package but produce npm
packages for node, so inside eggs where was the code to install all the packages dependencies.
With time, I passed to create deb packages more pratical for users and at last also for me. I started to create deb packages using oclif, but oclif don't manage dependencies nor pre and post install scripts.
To exit to this impasse, I wrote perrisbrewery, so I can insert dependecies and scripts inside the package. This lead me to remove same code I had inside the sources about install dependencies.
Removing dependencies from code free me a bit: in this way I can manage them in the package not in the sources.
Then was more easy to extend eggs to Arch, where the dependeces are included in the PKGBUILD scrips. Of course, was not so short step, involved initramfs, different paths, differents packages names and so on.
After that where was a time of relative stability, nodejs was included in the package eggs from oclif.
With version 10.x.x come the decision to not include more nodejs inside eggs, but to have it as dependence.
Actually, I started to extend eggs to AlpineLinux and fedora.
eggs is written using typescript, bash, and yaml files.
All the typescript sources are under src here there is a mockup of Documentation.
Bash is largely used inside Typescript and alone: scripts,
All the configurations are in YAML, inside conf for eggs, krill and calamares.