- My own linux distribution
- Linux-4.12.7
- Using GRUB to Set Up the Boot Process
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine
for development and testing purposes..... And of course some cool educational hackerISH
stuff if you must 😝
What things are needed to install the software 😞
Download and install virtualbox
Download and Run (To rather build everything instead of downloading 12G, see 'Build and Run')
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to download run the project 🤓
1. Start the virtualbox
2. Create a new virtual-machine (new button)
2.1 Type : Linux
2.2 Version : Linux 4.x (64-bit)
2.3 FileType : VDI
3. Once you've gone through the process of creating a virtual-machine, click on the virtual box and then,
click on settings.
4. You'll now come to realize that a lot of what you just did was unnecessary😂, that's ouwkkyY😏.
5. Click on storage and then delete whatever vdi you see there. (This will be the one you just created :( )
6. Download the ft_linux-phjacobs.vdi
6.1 This is 12G. I know lol. Sorry :(
6.2 You can scroll down to `build and run` if you can't download it🙂
6.3 Don't worry. There is no viruses. We @WeThinkCode_ don't roll like that!🖖🏾
6.4 You'll see "No preview". Just click on download. And then on download anyway :) #HonorAmongDevelopers🖥
7. Now click on "Controller : SATA" and add the ft_linux-phjacobs.vdi that you just downloaded.
8. Once added, click on ok and run 👻
9. The login : root
10. The Password : 12345
10.1 😂 😂hahahahah I know. What a super secret password lol.
Build and Run (To rather download everything instead of building it, see 'Download and Run')
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to build and run the project 🤓
1. Start the virtualbox
2. Create a new virtual-machine (new button)
2.1 Type : Linux
2.2 Version : Linux 4.x (64-bit)
2.4 Give it a good 50G (Dynamic Allocated) space. This is if you want some cool GUI else,
30G would be just fine
2.5 FileType : VDI
3. Once you've gone through the process of creating a virtual-machine, create another one but
this time, make the version :: ubuntu (64-bit) and give it a good 15G (Dynamic Allocated) of space.
4. After downloaded ubuntu, click on settings -> storage -> Controller : IDE ... then add an optical drive and pick
the ubuntu image that you just downloaded.
5. Before starting the ubuntu virtual machine, click it then one settings.
Now click on storage -> "Controller : SATA" and add the vdi you created before the ubuntu one.
6. You're ready to start ubuntu now.
7. once it prompts you to either install or run live. Choose install.
8. After ubuntu installed open a terminal.
9. run `sudo su -`
10. run `apt upgrade && apt update && apt-get install -y vim git gcc gparted`
11. use gparted to partition the drive you mounted before running ubuntu.
12. partition it as follows. (this drive will most probably be on sdb)
BIOS BOOT :: 1mb
ROOT :: 15G
BOOT :: 30G
SWAP :: 4.9G
Try and do it in that oder to avoid later problems. Also, go on youtube and watch some tutorials on
gparted 🤓
13. After you partitioned the drive, clone [this repo](https://github.com/phjacobs7AG/ft_linux)
14. In your terminal, go to the cloned folder then setup/packages_required/
Run the version_check.sh and make sure all packages are found.
Just a little hint. To install makeinfo, run `apt-get install texinfo`
15. After step 14, change directories to setup/steps/
16. Now run these scripts in the order that they're numbered
- Try and read through the scripts before running them. It's really cool stuff.
- Be smart and follow this book. Only from after you done with step 2. LFS
- Be cool and email me if you really stuck
phillip@softwarebureau.org || phillip@softwarebureau.org || phillip@hearxgroup.com
- Be even cooler and google a lot! Learn! Knowledge is the best drugs ever.
- Phillip Ronald Jacobs - phillipjacobs
This project is licensed under the GoWildAndShare License...hahaha!
Thank You LFS
Thank You BLFS
Thank You Google
Thank You Youtube
Thank You StackOverflow
Thank You WeThinkCode_
Thank You Peers
Thank You Me
Thank You Granny, Thank You Grandpa... OuwkkyY this is getting emotional. Good luck lol.
And I really don't mind helping when you have a problem but try and google first.
phjacobs@student.42.fr || phjacobs@student.wethinkcode.co.za || phillip@softwarebureau.org || phillip@hearxgroup.com
Thank You