The IR classes are automatically generated by tools/ir-generator
from *.def
files. The .def
files contain class definitions with boilerplate removed, which the ir-generator
File | Description |
ir.h |
Top-level include file that includes everything else. Code outside this folder generally just includes this file. |
ir-inline.h , ir-tree-macros.h , ir-util.h |
IR support files. ir-inline.h contains inline methods for header files that can't be defined until after other headers are included. ir-tree-macros.h has macros for generating code referring to all IR classes, used by the visitors. |
node.h , node.cpp |
IR::Node base class. |
id.h |
Defines the ID struct, which is not a standalone IR class but is used in many places in IR classes, representing an identifier with associated source location (for error reporting). |
ir.def , ir.cpp |
Miscellaneous front-end IR classes. |
v1.def , v1.cpp |
IR classes only needed to process P4 v1.0 / v1.1 programs. |
expression.def , expression.cpp |
IR classes related to expressions. The Expression abstract class is the base for all expressions and contains a type field. Subclasses include Operation , Unary , Binary , and Ternary . Concrete subclasses are detailed as follows: |
+-- Operation
| +-- Operation_Unary
| | +-- Neg, Cmpl, LNot, UPlus
| | \-- Member, Cast
| +-- Operation_Binary
| | +-- Mul, Div, Mode, Add, Sub, Shl, Shr
| | +-- Operation_Relation
| | | \-- Equ, New, Lss, Leq, Grt, Geq
| | +-- BAnd, BOr, BXor, LAnd, LOr
| | \-- Concat, ArrayIndex, Range, Mask
| +-- Operation_Trinary
| | \-- Slice, Mux
| \-- Primitive
\-- Constant, ...
File | Description |
typedecl.def , type.cpp |
IR subclasses related to types and declarations. |
namemap.h |
NameMap template, which holds a set of named IR objects and supports lookups by name. NameMap supports transforms that return null or additional NameMap objects for IR objects in the NameMap to modify the NameMap . |
vector.h |
Vector template, which holds a vector of IR objects. It is a subclass of IR::Node with traversal code and automatically flattens any sub-Vector objects and removes nulls when transforms on elements of the vector return them. |
indexed_vector.h |
IndexedVector : Contains a Vector and also an index mapping cstrings to IDeclarations for all objects in the vector that are IDeclarations . |
dbprint.h , dbprint.cpp , dbprint-expression.cpp , dbprint-p4.cpp |
Debug printing routines. Most IR classes declare a dbprint method, defined here. The header contains flags and support that dbprint methods use to communicate formatting information (indentation, precedence, and format mode). |
std.h |
Using directives for frequently used std:: classes. std::vector is wrapped with bounds-checking for all indexed accesses. |
visitor.h , visitor.cpp |
Visitor base class and subclass definitions, including Inspector , Modifier , Transform , ControlFlowVisitor , Backtrack , and P4WriteContext mixin interfaces. |
pass_manager.h , pass_manager.cpp |
PassManager subclass (of Visitor ) that manages an arbitrary sequence of Visitor s and handles backtracking between passes. |