Youzan wrapper for Laravel.
🚧警告!此 SDK 目前仅支持自用型应用,不支持其它类型的应用接入。 由于有赞的不人道的 996 策略,以及在没有通知用户的情况下关闭了个人收款渠道,现决定不再维护他们家任何相关 SDK,谢谢!
- require package.
$ composer require overtrue/laravel-youzan -vvv
- config you apps
$ ./artisan vendor:publish
# select Overtrue\LaravelYouzan\YouzanServiceProvider and enter.
Edit the config/youzan.php
with right content.
- Use Facade
# default app
Youzan::post('', ['name' => 'Test store']);
# specify app name
Youzan::app('pet-store')->get('', ['tid' => 'xxxxxxx']);
- Use
function helper.
# default app
app('youzan')->post('', ['name' => 'Test store']);
# specify app name
app('youzan')->app('pet-store')->get('', ['tid' => 'xxxxxxx']);
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