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Variables information

This page describes configuration variables and their default values.

Required variables

Variable Description
DESIGN_NAME The name of the top level module of the design
VERILOG_FILES The path of the design's verilog files
CLOCK_PERIOD The clock period for the design in ns
CLOCK_NET The name of the Net input to root clock buffer.
CLOCK_PORT The name of the design's clock port

Optional variables

These variables are optional that can be specified in the design configuration file.


Variable Description
LIB_SYNTH The library used for synthesis by yosys.
(Default: ./pdks/ef-skywater-s8/EFS8A/libs.ref/liberty/efs8hd/efs8hd_tt_1.80v_25C.lib)
SYNTH_DRIVING_CELL The cell to drive the input ports.
(Default: efs8hd_inv_8)
(Default: Y)
SYNTH_CAP_LOAD The capacitive load on the output ports in femtofarads.
(Default: 17.65 ff)
SYNTH_MAX_FANOUT The max load that the output ports can drive.
(Default: 5 cells)
SYNTH_MAX_TRANS The max transition time (slew) from high to low or low to high on cell inputs in ns. Used in synthesis
(Default: Calculated at runtime as 10% of the provided clock period)
SYNTH_STRATEGY Strategies for abc logic synthesis and technology mapping
Possible values are 0, 1 (delay), 2, and 3 (area)
(Default: 2)
SYNTH_BUFFERING Enables abc cell buffering
Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0
(Default: 1)
SYNTH_SIZING Enables abc cell sizing (instead of buffering)
Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0
(Default: 0)
SYNTH_READ_BLACKBOX_LIB A flag that enable reading the full(untrimmed) libretry file as a blackbox for synthesis. Please note that this is not used in technology mapping. This should only be used when trying to preserve gate instances in the rtl of the design.
Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0
(Default: 0)
SYNTH_NO_FLAT A flag that disables flattening the heirachry during synthesis, only flattening it after synthesis, mapping and optimizations.
Enabled = 1, Disabled = 0
(Default: 0)
LIB_MIN Library used for min delay calculation during STA.
LIB_MAX Library used for max delay calculation during STA.
LIB_TYPICAL Library used for typical delay calculation during STA.
CLOCK_BUFFER_FANOUT Fanout of clock tree buffers.
(Default: 16)
ROOT_CLK_BUFFER Root clock buffer of the clock tree.
(Default: efs8hd_clkbuf_16)
CLK_BUFFER Clock buffer used for inner nodes of the clock tree.
(Default: efs8hd_clkbuf_4)
CLK_BUFFER_INPUT Input pin of the clock tree buffer.
(Default: A)
CLK_BUFFER_OUTPUT Output pin of the clock tree buffer.
(Default: X)


Variable Description
FP_CORE_UTIL The core utilization percentage.
(Default: 50 percent)
FP_ASPECT_RATIO The core's aspect ratio (height / width).
(Default: 1)
FP_CORE_MARGIN The length of the margin surrounding the core area.
(Default: 3.36 microns)
FP_IO_HMETAL The metal layer on which to place the io pins horizontally (top and bottom of the die).
(Default: 3)
FP_IO_VMETAL The metal layer on which to place the io pins vertically (sides of the die)
(Default: 2)
FP_WELLTAP_CELL The name of the welltap cell during welltap insertion.
(Default: efs8hd_tap_1)
FP_ENDCAP_CELL The name of the endcap cell during endcap insertion.
(Default: efs8hd_decap_3)
FP_PDN_VOFFSET The offset of the vertical power stripes on the metal layer 4 in the power distribution network
(Default: 16.32)
FP_PDN_VPITCH The pitch of the vertical power stripes on the metal layer 4 in the power distribution network
(Default: 153.6)
FP_PDN_HOFFSET The offset of the horizontal power stripes on the metal layer 5 in the power distribution network
(Default: 16.65)
FP_PDN_HPITCH The pitch of the horizontal power stripes on the metal layer 5 in the power distribution network
(Default: 153.18)
FP_TAPCELL_DIST The horizontal distance between two tapcell columns
(Default: 25)
FP_IO_VEXTEND Extends the vertical io pins outside of the die by the specified units
(Default: -1 Disabled)
FP_IO_HEXTEND Extends the horizontal io pins outside of the die by the specified units
(Default: -1 Disabled)
FP_IO_VTHICKNESS_MULT A multiplier for vertical pin thickness. Base thickness is the pins layer minwidth
(Default: 1)
FP_IO_HTHICKNESS_MULT A multiplier for horizontal pin thickness. Base thickness is the pins layer minwidth
(Default: 1)


Variable Description
PL_TARGET_DENSITY The desired placement density of cells. It reflects how spread the cells would be on the core area. 1 = closely dense. 0 = widely spread
(Default: 0.4)
PL_TIME_DIRVEN Specifies whether the placer should use time driven placement. 0 = false, 1 = true
(Default: 0)
PL_LIB Specifies the library for time driven placement
(Default: LIB_TYPICAL)


Variable Description
CTS_TARGET_SKEW The target clock skew in picoseconds.
(Default: 20 ps)
CTS_ROOT_BUFFER The name of cell inserted at the root of the clock tree.
(Default: efs8hd_clkbuf_16)
CLOCK_TREE_SYNTH Enable clock tree synthesis for tirtonCTS.
(Default: 1)
CTS_TOLERANCE an integer value that represents a tradeoff of QoR and runtime. Higher values will produce smaller runtime but worse QoR
(Default: 100)


Variable Description
GLB_RT_MAXLAYER The number of highest layer to be used in routing.
(Default: 6)
GLB_RT_ADJUSTMENT Reduction in the routing capacity of the edges between the cells in the global routing graph. Values range from 0 to 1.
1 = most reduction, 0 = least reduction
(Default: 0.15)
GLB_RT_L1_ADJUSTMENT Reduction in the routing capacity of the edges between the cells in the global routing graph but specific to li1 layer in ef-skywater-s8/EFS8A. Values range from 0 to 1
(Default: 0)
GLB_RT_L2_ADJUSTMENT Reduction in the routing capacity of the edges between the cells in the global routing graph but specific to met1 in ef-skywater-s8/EFS8A. Values range from 0 to 1
(Default: 0)
ROUTING_STRATEGY Specifies the optimization mode to be used in TritonRoute. Values range from 0 to 3
(Default: 0)


Variable Description
MAGIC_PAD A flag to pad the views generated by magic (.mag, .lef, .gds) with one site. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 0 )
MAGIC_ZEROIZE_ORIGIN A flag to move the layout such that it's origin in the lef generated by magic is 0,0. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 1 )
MAGIC_GENERATE_GDS A flag to generate gds view via magic . 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 1 )
MAGIC_GENERATE_LEF A flag to generate lef view via magic . 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 1 )


Variable Description
PDK Specifies the process design kit (pdk).
(Default: ef-skywater-s8/EFS8A )
PDK_VARIANT Specifies the process design kit (pdk) variant.
(Default: efs8hd )
PDK_ROOT Specifies the folder path of the pdk. It searches for a config.tcl in $PDK_ROOT/$PDK/ directory and at least have one variant config defined in $PDK_ROOT/$PDK/$PAD_VARIANT.
See this pdk config file and this variant config file as an example .
(Default: $OPENLANE_ROOT/pdks/ )
CELL_PAD Cell padding; increases the width of cells.
(Default: 2 microns -- 2 sites)

Flow control

Variable Description
RUN_ROUTING_DETAILED Enables detailed routing. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 1)
RUN_MAGIC Enables running magic and GDSII streaming.1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 0)
RUN_SIMPLE_CTS Enables inserting simple clock tree after synthesis .1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 0)
RUN_RESIZER_OVERBUFFER Enables inserting buffers to reduce the number of long wires.1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 0)
FILL_INSERTION Enables fill cells insertion after cts (if enabled) .1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 0)
DIODE_INSERTION_STRATEGY Specifies the insertion strategy of diodes to be used in the flow. 0 = No diode insertion, 1 = Spray diodes, 2 = insert fake diodes and replace them with real diodes if needed
(Default: 1)


Variable Description
CHECK_UNMAPPED_CELLS Checks if there are unmapped cells after synthesis and aborts if any was found. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 0)
CHECK_ASSIGN_STATEMENTS Checks for assign statement in the generated gate level netlist and aborts of any was found.1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 0)
CHECK_LATCHES_IN_DESIGN Checks for any latches or failures in synthesis and aborts if any was found. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 1)
CHECK_DIODE_PLACEMENT Checks if there was any failure in legalizing placement after inserting diodes and aborts if any was found.1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled
(Default: 1)