A provider for Vercel's AI SDK that enables seamless integration with Orama's search and chat capabilities.
- π Full-text, vector, and hybrid search
- π¬ Streaming chat/QA functionality
- π Framework agnostic
- π Real-time streaming responses
- πΌοΈ Rich media search results
npm install @oramacloud/ai-sdk-provider
import { generateText, streamText } from 'ai';
import { oramaProvider } from '@oramacloud/ai-sdk-provider';
// Create an Orama provider instance
const provider = oramaProvider({
endpoint: process.env.ORAMA_API_URL,
apiKey: process.env.ORAMA_API_KEY,
userContext: "The user is looking for documentation help",
inferenceType: "documentation"
// Use it in your component
export default function Chat() {
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
const [input, setInput] = useState('');
const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
setMessages(prev => [...prev,
{ role: 'user', content: input },
{ role: 'assistant', content: '' }
try {
const response = await streamText({
model: provider.ask(),
prompt: input,
temperature: 0
let previousLength = 0;
for await (const chunk of response.textStream) {
if (chunk) {
setMessages(prev => {
const newMessages = [...prev];
const lastMessage = newMessages[newMessages.length - 1];
const currentChunk = chunk.toString();
const newText = currentChunk.slice(previousLength);
previousLength = currentChunk.length;
lastMessage.content += newText;
return newMessages;
} catch (error) {
setMessages(prev => {
const newMessages = [...prev];
newMessages[newMessages.length - 1].content = 'An error occurred while processing your request.';
return newMessages;
return (
// Your chat UI
interface OramaProviderConfig {
endpoint: string; // Your Orama endpoint URL
apiKey: string; // Your Orama API key
userContext?: string; // Context for the chat session
inferenceType?: "documentation" | "chat"; // Type of inference
searchMode?: "fulltext" | "vector" | "hybrid"; // Search mode
searchOptions?: OramaSearchOptions; // Default search options
interface OramaSearchOptions {
mode?: "fulltext" | "vector" | "hybrid";
where?: Record<string, any>;
sortBy?: Array<{ property: string; order?: "asc" | "desc" }>;
facets?: Record<string, any>;
limit?: number;
boost?: Record<string, number>;
order?: "asc" | "desc";
const provider = oramaProvider({
endpoint: process.env.ORAMA_API_URL,
apiKey: process.env.ORAMA_API_KEY,
userContext: "The user is looking for documentation help",
inferenceType: "documentation"
const response = await streamText({
model: provider.ask(),
prompt: "What is Orama?",
temperature: 0
for await (const chunk of response.textStream) {
// Handle streaming chunks
const provider = oramaProvider({
endpoint: process.env.ORAMA_API_URL,
apiKey: process.env.ORAMA_API_KEY,
searchMode: "fulltext",
searchOptions: {
sortBy: [{ property: "rating", order: "desc" }],
where: {
category: "documentation"
const response = await generateText({
model: provider.ask(),
prompt: "Search query"
// Response will include:
// - text: formatted search results
// - results: array of documents with their scores
// - finishReason: 'stop'
// - usage: token usage statistics
Search results are returned with the following structure:
interface SearchResult {
text: string;
results: Array<{
document: {
title?: string;
description?: string;
image?: string;
url?: string;
releaseDate?: string;
rating?: string;
genres?: string[];
// ... other document fields
score: number;
finishReason: string;
usage: {
promptTokens: number;
completionTokens: number;
totalTokens: number;
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
Apache 2.0. Read the full license here