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ginnm committed Jun 27, 2022
1 parent 6069bf5 commit da2ec98
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Showing 17 changed files with 1,742 additions and 5 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion .idea/PAFF.iml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .idea/misc.xml

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions DatasetMng/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from config import *
import h5py

import os

import argparse

dataset_dir = base_dir

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Split dataset into training,'
' validation and test sets.')
parser.add_argument('--input_path', '-i', default=dataset_dir,
help='directory with pdbbind dataset')
parser.add_argument('--output_path', '-o', default=os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'hdfs'),
help='directory to store output files')
parser.add_argument('--size_val', '-s', type=int, default=1000,
help='number of samples in the validation set')
args = parser.parse_args()

# create files with the training and validation sets
with h5py.File('%s\\training_set.hdf' % args.output_path, 'w') as g, \
h5py.File('%s\\validation_set.hdf' % args.output_path, 'w') as h:
with h5py.File('%s\\refined.hdf' % args.input_path, 'r') as f:
refined_shuffled = shuffle(list(f.keys()), random_state=123)
for pdb_id in refined_shuffled[:args.size_val]:
ds = h.create_dataset(pdb_id, data=f[pdb_id])
ds.attrs['affinity'] = f[pdb_id].attrs['affinity']
for pdb_id in refined_shuffled[args.size_val:]:
ds = g.create_dataset(pdb_id, data=f[pdb_id])
ds.attrs['affinity'] = f[pdb_id].attrs['affinity']
with h5py.File('%s\\general.hdf' % args.input_path, 'r') as f:
for pdb_id in f:
ds = g.create_dataset(pdb_id, data=f[pdb_id])
ds.attrs['affinity'] = f[pdb_id].attrs['affinity']

# # create a symlink for the test set
# os.symlink(os.path.abspath('%s\\core.hdf' % args.input_path),
# os.path.abspath('%s\\test_set.hdf' % args.output_path))
# just manually copy /core.hdf to /hdfs/test_set.hdf
Empty file added Preprocess/
Empty file.
275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions Preprocess/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import h5py
import os
import re
import csv
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from config import *
from openbabel import pybel
from import Featurizer

import warnings

import seaborn as sns

# omotcha: base dir of dataset on Windows
dataset_dir = 'D:\\AlexYu\\datasets\\dataset\\pdbbind2016'
dataset2013_dir = 'D:\\AlexYu\\datasets\\dataset\\pdbbind2013'

def get_aff_data():
general_index = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
'PDBbind_2016_plain_text_index', 'index', 'INDEX_general_PL_data.2016')

aff_data = []
with open(general_index, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
seg = re.split(' +', line)
if seg[0] != '#':
aff_data.append([seg[0], seg[3]])
return aff_data

def write_aff_data():
with open(os.path.join(tmpdata_dir, 'affinity_data_1.csv'), "w") as f:
for aff in get_aff_data():
f.write('{},{}\n'.format(aff[0], aff[1]))

def get_missing():
aff_data = get_aff_data()
# omotcha: this aff_data should be initialized first by get_affinity_data
exclusion_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
refined_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
exclusion_ids = os.listdir(exclusion_dir)
refined_ids = os.listdir(refined_dir)
missing = [d[0] for d in aff_data if d[0] not in exclusion_ids and d[0] not in refined_ids]
return missing

def get_affinity_data():
missing = get_missing()
affinity_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(tmpdata_dir, 'affinity_data_1.csv'), comment='#')
affinity_data = affinity_data[~np.in1d(affinity_data['pdbid'], list(missing))]
# affinity data should not contain NaN
assert not affinity_data['-logKd/Ki'].isnull().any()
return affinity_data

def get_cleaned_affinity_data():
# cleaned datafile can be created by calling set_separation_and_exclude_2013()
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdata_dir, 'affinity_data_cleaned_1.csv'))
affinity_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(tmpdata_dir, 'affinity_data_cleaned_1.csv'), comment='#')
# affinity data should not contain NaN
assert not affinity_data['-logKd/Ki'].isnull().any()
return affinity_data

def set_separation_and_exclude_2013():
affinity_data = get_affinity_data()

# omotcha: note that refined set is trimmed cuz some proteins cannot be protonized and charged later,
# so it cannot be judged from the index file, it should be judged directly from the refined set,
# it is the same with core set
# refined_index = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
# 'PDBbind_2016_plain_text_index', 'index', 'INDEX_refined_data.2016')
# refined_set = set()
# with open(refined_index, "r") as f:
# lines = f.readlines()
# for line in lines:
# seg = re.split(' +', line)
# if seg[0] != '#':
# refined_set.add(seg[0])
refined_dir = "D:\\AlexYu\\datasets\\dataset\\pdbbind2016\\refined-set\\"
refined_list = [k for k in os.listdir(refined_dir)
if len(k) == 4 and os.path.isfile(refined_dir + "%s\\%s_pocket.mol2" % (k, k))]
refined_set = set(refined_list)

core_dir = "D:\\AlexYu\\datasets\\dataset\\pdbbind2016\\coreset\\"
core_list = [k for k in os.listdir(core_dir)
if len(k) == 4 and os.path.isfile(core_dir + "%s\\%s_pocket.mol2" % (k, k))]
core_set = set(core_list)

general_set = set(affinity_data['pdbid'])

# core_index = os.path.join(dataset_dir,
# 'PDBbind_2016_plain_text_index', 'index', 'INDEX_core_data.2016')
# core_set = set()
# if not os.path.exists(core_index):
# print('Creating index file of core set:\n')
# core_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'coreset')
# core_ids = os.listdir(core_dir)
# core_index_data = []
# with open(refined_index, "r") as f:
# reader = csv.reader(f)
# for row in reader:
# if row[0][0:4] in core_ids:
# core_index_data.append(row)
# with open(core_index, "w") as f:
# for row in core_index_data:
# f.writelines(str(row[0])+'\n')
# print('Done.\n')
# with open(core_index, "r") as f:
# lines = f.readlines()
# for line in lines:
# seg = re.split(' +', line)
# if seg[0] != '#':
# core_set.add(seg[0])

# core set should be only included from refined set
assert core_set & refined_set == core_set
# refined set should be only included from general set
assert refined_set & general_set == refined_set
core2013_dir = os.path.join(dataset2013_dir, 'coreset')
core2013_ids = os.listdir(core2013_dir)
core2013 = set(core2013_ids)
affinity_data['include'] = True
affinity_data.loc[np.in1d(affinity_data['pdbid'], list(core2013 & (general_set - core_set))), 'include'] = False
affinity_data.loc[np.in1d(affinity_data['pdbid'], list(general_set)), 'set'] = 'general'
affinity_data.loc[np.in1d(affinity_data['pdbid'], list(refined_set)), 'set'] = 'refined'
affinity_data.loc[np.in1d(affinity_data['pdbid'], list(core_set)), 'set'] = 'core'
print(affinity_data[affinity_data['include']].groupby('set').apply(len).loc[['general', 'refined', 'core']])
affinity_data[['pdbid']].to_csv('pdb_1.ids', header=False, index=False)
affinity_data[['pdbid', '-logKd/Ki', 'set', 'include']].\
to_csv(os.path.join(tmpdata_dir, 'affinity_data_cleaned_1.csv'), index=False)
return general_set, refined_set, core_set, core2013

def prepare_pockets(file_path):
pdb_list = [k for k in os.listdir(file_path) if
len(k) == 4 and not os.path.isfile(file_path + "%s/%s_pocket.mol2" % (k, k))]
count = 0
for name in tqdm(pdb_list):
if len(name) != 4:
PDB_file = file_path + name + '/' + name
os.system(" chimera --nogui %s" % PDB_file)
count += 1

def prepare_pockets_all():

def parse_molecule():
affinity_data = get_cleaned_affinity_data()
# omotcha: coreset used for test, but why here name 'refined-set' as 'core'?
dataset_path = {'general': 'general-set-except-refined', 'refined': 'refined-set', 'core': 'coreset'}
featurizer = Featurizer()
charge_idx = featurizer.FEATURE_NAMES.index('partialcharge')

with h5py.File('%s\\core2013.hdf' % dataset_dir, 'w') as g:
j = 0

for dataset_name, data in affinity_data.groupby('set'):

print(dataset_name, 'set')
i = 0
ds_path = dataset_path[dataset_name]

with h5py.File('%s\\%s.hdf' % (dataset_dir, dataset_name), 'w') as f:
print("creating {}.hdf".format(dataset_name))
for _, row in data.iterrows():

name = row['pdbid']
affinity = row['-logKd/Ki']

ligand = next(pybel.readfile('mol2', '%s\\%s\\%s\\%s_ligand.mol2' % (dataset_dir, ds_path, name, name)))
# do not add the hydrogens! they are in the strucutre and it would reset the charges

pocket = next(pybel.readfile('mol2', '%s\\%s\\%s\\%s_pocket.mol2' % (dataset_dir, ds_path, name, name)))
# do not add the hydrogens! they were already added in chimera and it would reset the charges
warnings.warn('no pocket for %s (%s set)' % (name, dataset_name))

ligand_coords, ligand_features = featurizer.get_features(ligand, molcode=1)
assert (ligand_features[:, charge_idx] != 0).any()
pocket_coords, pocket_features = featurizer.get_features(pocket, molcode=-1)
assert (pocket_features[:, charge_idx] != 0).any()

centroid = ligand_coords.mean(axis=0)
ligand_coords -= centroid
pocket_coords -= centroid

data = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((ligand_coords, pocket_coords)),
np.concatenate((ligand_features, pocket_features))), axis=1)

if row['include']:
dataset = f.create_dataset(name, data=data, shape=data.shape, dtype='float32',
dataset.attrs['affinity'] = affinity
i += 1
dataset = g.create_dataset(name, data=data, shape=data.shape, dtype='float32',
dataset.attrs['affinity'] = affinity
j += 1

print('prepared', i, 'complexes')
print('excluded', j, 'complexes')

def write_protein_data():
protein_data = pd.read_csv('%s\\PDBbind_2016_plain_text_index\\index\\INDEX_general_PL_name.2016' % dataset_dir,
comment='#', sep=' ', engine='python', na_values='------',
header=None, names=['pdbid', 'year', 'uniprotid', 'name'])

# print(protein_data.head())
# we assume that PDB IDs are unique
assert ~protein_data['pdbid'].duplicated().any()
protein_data = protein_data[np.in1d(protein_data['pdbid'], get_cleaned_affinity_data()['pdbid'])]

# check for missing values
# print(protein_data.isnull().any())
# print(protein_data[protein_data['name'].isnull()])

# fix rows with wrong separators between protein ID and name

for idx, row in protein_data[protein_data['name'].isnull()].iterrows():
uniprotid = row['uniprotid'][:6]
name = row['uniprotid'][7:]
protein_data.loc[idx, ['uniprotid', 'name']] = [uniprotid, name]

# print(protein_data.isnull().any())

protein_data.to_csv(os.path.join(tmpdata_dir, 'protein_data_1.csv'), index=False)

def exp_steps_1():

def exp_steps_2():

def exp_steps_3():

def exp_steps_4():

def exp_steps_5():

def test():

if __name__ == '__main__':
Empty file added analysis/
Empty file.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions analysis/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import h5py
import tfbioSupport
from config import *

def analysis(path):
charge_std = 0.41113196291076504
featurizer =
max_dist = 10
box_size = 21
columns = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(featurizer.FEATURE_NAMES)}
num_features = len(columns)
affinity = []
coords = []
features = []
ids = []

with h5py.File(os.path.join(base_dir, 'core2013.hdf'), 'r') as f:
for pdb_id in f:
dataset = f[pdb_id]
coords.append(dataset[:, :3])
features.append(dataset[:, 3:])


affinity = np.reshape(affinity, (-1, 1))
# print(affinity)
batch_grid = []

for crd, f in zip(coords, features):
batch_grid.append(, f))

batch_grid = np.vstack(batch_grid)
batch_grid[..., columns['partialcharge']] /= charge_std

if __name__ == '__main__':
# analysis("D:\\AlexYu\\datasets\\dataset\\2016_pred\\output-2022-06-23T13_02_58-predictions.csv")

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