Using Matomo self-hosted instance with trackEvent/trackGoal not working #322
🐛 The bug
Hey guys,
I am trying to use custom event/goal tracking with a self-hosted Matomo instance and I cannot get it to work properly. Page views are being tracked, but whenever I try to use the proxy._paq.push() method, nothing happens. I attached a small example project to this issue that shows the problem (I was unable to use StackBlitz because the provided starter always failed to fetch dependencies in my case).
If I don't use the proxy but instead choose to use the _paq object directly, the events/goals are being tracked, so I suspect the proxy-mechanism does not work in my case. This happens in dev and prod
🛠️ To reproduce
see attached project
🌈 Expected behavior
Custom goals and events being tracked.
ℹ️ Additional context
Nuxt 3.14.159
Scripts 0.9.5