Functions for manipulation of YCbCr (also known as 'YUV') sequences.
For YUV sequences comparison the Quality Assessment toolbox is required. For sequence rescaling and when rescaling chromas (e.g. conversion from 4:4:4 to 4:2:2) Matlab Image Processing Toolbox function imresize is used.
- divide_seq - Divides YUV sequence into segments
- mm_seq - Converts video file into raw YCbCr format
- read_floatframe - Reads and displays frame values stored as a stream of float numbers
- rgb2yuv - Converts RGB to YUV
- save_yuvframe - Saves selected frame from yuv sequence to image file
- scale_seq - Scales YUV sequence
- seq_frames - Returns the number of frames in YUV sequence file
- shift_seq - Artificially shifts a sequence in a defined direction by any displacement
- write_floatframe - Stores matrix in a file as a stream of float numbers
- yuv2avi - Imports YUV sequence and saves it as AVI
- yuv2rgb - Converts YUV to RGB
- yuv_compare - Compares two YUV sequences by computing PSNR
- yuv_export - Exports YUV sequence
- yuv_import - Imports YUV sequence
- yuv_range - Computes the range of samples in YUV sequence
- **yuv2avi_demosaic - Imports YUV sequence, performs demosaic of each frame and saves it as an AVI
- **yuv2seq_demosaic - Imports YUV sequence, performs demosaic of each frame and saves it as a sequence of images
yuv_import, yuv2rgb, yuv_compare:
>> [Y, U, V] = yuv_import('FOREMAN_352x288_30_orig_01.yuv',[352 288],2);
>> rgb = yuv2rgb(Y{1},U{1},V{1});
>> [PY, PU, PV]=yuv_compare('compressed.yuv','original.yuv',[352 288]);