## Time-stamp: <2017-06-25 10:52:10 vk> ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode: http://orgmode.org/
This python script converts the Twitter export files (JSON format) into an Org-mode file.
Note: If you are using Memacs to get stuff from various sources into your Org-mode you might try its Twitter module instead of this method here. However, it requires you to give Twitter your phone number. Therefore, I do prefer the method described here.
Short URLs are replaced with their expanded URLs, many things are turned into meaningful links where possible.
- Download your Twitter export files
- Unpack the ZIP file
- Convert the data using this script (see below)
Example usage:
tweets2org.py -o tweets.org ~/Twitter_export_USER.json/*.js --add-to-time-stamps="+1"
… converts the Twitter export files and adds one hour to time stamps
For all command line options, please call: tweets2org.py --help
- Target group: users who are using Twitter and Emacs Org-mode
- Hosted on github: https://github.com/novoid/twitter-json_to_orgmode
If you don’t get emails with the download archive after requesting it, you might be interested to read about how to fix that.
I am looking for your ideas!
If you want to contribute to this cool project, please fork and contribute!