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Bindables converts your auto properties into Wpf dependency or attached properties.


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Roslyn source generator to create dependency and attached properties for WPF and Xamarin.Forms

NuGet Bindables.Wpf NuGet Bindables.Forms AppVeyor


Define a field with type Dependency Property Type below and give it a name that ends with Property Suffix. Then, add Attribute Type attribute to the field and pass the type of the property you want to create. Possible values are:

Project Type Dependency Property Type Access Type Property Suffix Field Type Attribute Type
WPF Dependency Property Read/Write Property DependencyProperty Bindables.Wpf.DependencyPropertyAttribute
WPF Dependency Property Read Only PropertyKey DependencyPropertyKey Bindables.Wpf.DependencyPropertyAttribute
WPF Attached Property Read/Write Property DependencyProperty Bindables.Wpf.AttachedPropertyAttribute
WPF Attached Property Read Only PropertyKey DependencyPropertyKey Bindables.Wpf.AttachedPropertyAttribute
Xamarin.Forms Bindable Property Read/Write Property BindableProperty Bindables.Forms.BindablePropertyAttribute
Xamarin.Forms Bindable Property Read Only PropertyKey BindablePropertyKey Bindables.Forms.BindablePropertyAttribute
Xamarin.Forms Attached Property Read/Write Property BindableProperty Bindables.Forms.AttachedPropertyAttribute
Xamarin.Forms Attached Property Read Only PropertyKey BindablePropertyKey Bindables.Forms.AttachedPropertyAttribute


You can pass following options via the attributes:

Option Description
OnPropertyChanged Name of the method that will be called when the property is changed.
OnCoerceValue (WPF only) Name of the method that will be called when the property is re-evaluated/coerced.
DefaultValueField Name of the static field that will provide the default value for the property.
Options (WPF only) Pass System.Windows.FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions to the dependency property.
BindingMode (Xamarin.Forms only) Pass Xamarin.Forms.BindingMode to the dependency property.

Signature of OnPropertyChanged method should be:

Project Type Signature
WPF static void MethodName(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
Xamarin.Forms static void MethodName(BindableObject obj, object oldValue, object newValue)

Signature of OnCoerceValue method should be:

Project Type Signature
WPF static object MethodName(DependencyObject obj, object value)
Xamarin.Forms Currently not supported


  • Your class should be partial.
  • If you create a WPF dependency property or Xamarin.Forms bindable property, your class should inherit from System.Windows.DependencyObject or Xamarin.Forms.BindableObject. Attached properties don't have this requirement.
  • Bindables creates the static constructor for the class to initialize the dependency properties. If you have custom static constructor for a type, you can't use Bindables on it.

Example (WPF)

Your Code

using System.Windows;
using Bindables.Wpf;

public partial class YourClass : DependencyObject
    private static readonly string DefaultValue = "Test";

    public static readonly DependencyProperty RegularProperty;

    // You can use any visibility modifier.
    private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey ReadOnlyPropertyKey;

    [DependencyProperty(typeof(string), OnPropertyChanged = nameof(PropertyChangedCallback), DefaultValueField = nameof(DefaultValue), Options = FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault)]
    public static readonly DependencyProperty CustomizedProperty;

    private static void PropertyChangedCallback(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)

Generated Code

// Generated by Bindables
using System.Windows;

#nullable enable

public partial class YourClass
    public string? Regular
        get => (string?)GetValue(RegularProperty);
        set => SetValue(RegularProperty, value);

    public static readonly DependencyProperty ReadOnlyProperty;

    public string? ReadOnly
        get => (string?)GetValue(ReadOnlyProperty);
        private set => SetValue(ReadOnlyPropertyKey, value);

    public string? Customized
        get => (string?)GetValue(CustomizedProperty);
        set => SetValue(CustomizedProperty, value);

    static YourClass()
        RegularProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata());

        ReadOnlyPropertyKey = DependencyProperty.RegisterReadOnly(
            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata());

        ReadOnlyProperty = ReadOnlyPropertyKey.DependencyProperty;

        CustomizedProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(DefaultValue, (FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions)256, PropertyChangedCallback));