This document has been made for Nitrokey HSM 2 but these commands will work for every PKCS11 HSM.
List detected smartcard (HSM is considered as a smartcard) and associated object of smartcard:
pkcs15-tool -D
Reset the HSM:
sc-hsm-tool --initialize --so-pin *XXXX* --pin *YYYY*
The HSM will be reinitialized. Evey keys will be erase.
Change the so-pin:
pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/[...]/pkcs11/ --login --login-type so --so-pin *XXXX* --change-pin --new-pin *YYYY*
If the so-pin is lost, you must reflash your NitroKey and all keys will be lost !
Generate an RSA keypair of 2048 bits with 1 as ID and "mynewkew" as label:
pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/[...]/pkcs11/ --login --keypairgen --key-type rsa:2048 --id 1 --label mynewkey
ID must be unique for each object. You can check with pkcs15-tool -D command if the chosen ID is not already used:
Read the public key of the just created RSA key (ID of the key must be passed):
pkcs15-tool --read-public-key 1
Output key is encored in PEM. Private key cannot be extracted.
Read the public key and decode the key with openssl:
pkcs15-tool --read-public-key 1 | openssl rsa -noout -text -inform PEM -pubin
List URI of smartcard :
p11tool --list-all
All URI start with pkcs11:model=...
List URI of objects that are stored in the HSM:
p11tool --login --list-all *URI*
URI is needed to perform action with the associate object (encrypt data with a stored key for example)
To encrypt a file with a RSA public key:
openssl rsautl -encrypt -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -inkey *URI* -in data.txt -out data_encrypted.txt
URI must end with type=public
Note: This action can be done directly on the computer without using the HSM. A public key is public and can be shared with everyone
To decrypt the previous encrypted file with the private key:
openssl rsautl -decrypt -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -inkey *URI* -in data_encrypted.txt -out data_clear.txt
URI must end with type=private
Length of data that can be encrypted by using RSA is limited by the size of the RSA key (256 byte for RSA-2048). Furthermore, padding will reduce the maximum length of data by 8 byte.
Generate an RSA keypair:
pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/[...]/pkcs11/ --login --keypairgen --key-type rsa:2048 --id *ID* --label CA
Generate the certification authority:
openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -subj '/CN=CA-2023/' -sha256 -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -key *URI* -out CA_2023.pem
URI must be the just generated private key.
Sign a certificate request (CSR file):
openssl x509 -req -CAkeyform engine -engine pkcs11 -in mycsr.csr -days 365 -CA CA-2023.pem -CAkey *URI* -set_serial *serial_number* -sha256 -extensions req_ext -extfile extension.cnf -out mycert.pem
Example of extension file:
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = req_ext
prompt = no
CN = abcd.local
subjectAltName = @alt_names
IP.1 =
DNS.1 = abcd.local