High performance rank executor for advertisement and recommendation system, implemented in C/C++ and support ensembled into Java/Scala host as plguin or independent process, and it support ML models trained by Xgboost in Python or event Tensorflow deep learning models.
Rankextor is a set of algorithm execution engines based on C/C++. It is mainly used for algorithm serving in the fields of recommendation, advertising, and search. It supports embedding into Java/Scala service processes or providing RPC ranking services as an independent process.
Flexible and efficient "graph" execution engine.
Convenient feature, strategy, model, and feature engineering support.
- Features such as:
- Basic user portrait characteristics
- Statistical feedback CTR features
- Material side characteristics
- Click-through rate estimation algorithm is as follows:
- LR
- FM
- Deep Learning (Pytorch)
- Feature engineering processing such as:
- Equal frequency, equal distance scattering
- Bucket
- Feature crossover
- Multiple feature support
- Sample sampling
- hash discrete
- Strategies such as:
- Scoring and ranking
- Sort and adjust
- Material filtration
- Features such as:
Embed Java services, or provide RPC services as independent processes
Dynamic loading of model files and configuration files
cmake ..
For pytorch model training and serving part, check the pytorch_ranking
The following configuration defines what kind of features we need, and what models shall take charge and what kind of rank strategies are needed.
name: "model"
condition {
condition {
condition {
condition {
feature {
name: "request_feature"
data: { key: "redis_user_schema" value: "redis_user_schema.txt" }
group: "begin"
extractor {
name: "xfea1"
type: "xfea"
bottom: "begin"
top: "ctcvr_fea"
config: "suning_features.conf"
model {
name: "gds_ctcvr1"
type: "fm"
bottom: "ctcvr_fea"
top: "ctcvr"
model_file: "fm.model"
strategy {
name: "reset"
order: -20
strategy {
name: "calibrate"
order: 1
ids: "1"
desc: "cut"
strategy {
name: "ocpx"
order: 2
strategy {
name: "rankscore"
order: 3
strategy {
name: "sort"
order: 4