Background stays the same, setting changes are not saved - NC29Β #135
use GitHub reactions π to show that you are affected by the same issue. Please don't comment if you have no relevant information to add!
- This is not a feature request
- This is not an image-provider request
- I have searched the issuetracker if the issue is not already reported.
Describe the bug:
I installed the app but the default background image stayed the same.
In "Appearance and Accessibility" After checking the background images the section "Random image" doesn't contain any meaning full text - beside what is visible on the screenshot.
In "Theming" saves that where made are lost after reloading the page.
The result neither log screen nor dashboard have a random image.
To Reproduce:
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Install app on Nextcloud 29
2a. Click on 'Appearance and Accessibility'
2b. Scroll down to 'Random Background Images'
2c. See error
3a. Click on 'Theming'
3b. Scroll down to 'Splash: Random Background Images'
3c. Change something
3d. Reload website
3e. See error
- Nextcloud version:
- Splash-App version: 2.2.1