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Tags: neg4n/d3-no-dom



Toggle v2.1.0's commit message
chore(release): 2.1.0 [skip ci]

# [2.1.0](v2.0.0...v2.1.0) (2024-07-16)

### Bug Fixes

* remove separate package for setting obj path ([5027640](5027640))
* typings + move utils to separate file ([ce94fd8](ce94fd8))

### Features

* make dom manipulation more direct ([f22d1ca](f22d1ca))


Toggle v2.0.0's commit message
chore(release): 2.0.0 [skip ci]

# [2.0.0](v1.0.0...v2.0.0) (2024-07-01)

* feat!: decouple jsdom from the internal mechanisms ([f0d1029](f0d1029))

### Bug Fixes

* remove encodeURIComponent in converting to b64 ([297275d](297275d))

### Features

* add ability to modify svg's viewbox ([38b633a](38b633a))


* From now on, the d3-no-dom does
not depend on any DOM-filling library undernath
and it is up to end user to provide such
functionality via the prepareServerSideSvgRenderer
options (`domProvider`), just like it was done
before with d3 (`d3Instance`)


Toggle v1.0.0's commit message
chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci]

# 1.0.0 (2024-06-28)

### Bug Fixes

* adjust tests to the decoupling of modules ([1c33bed](1c33bed))

### Features

* allow sync functions in render callback ([7759788](7759788))
* reduce dependencies amount ([724aae7](724aae7))
* upload base source ([76d31c1](76d31c1))