A parser in Scheme that will return the number of statements and maximum depth level of a given program.
The parser will report the number of statements and maximum depth level of a valid program defined as:
G = ( S, N, P, Σ) where
S = ( Program )
N = ( statement_list, statement, expr, symbol, op )
Σ = ( if, bool, then, while, id, const, =, +, -, *, / )
P = ( Program -> statement_list
statement_list -> statement statement_list
-> statement
statement -> if bool then statement_list
-> while bool statement_list
-> id = expr
expr -> symbol op symbol
symbol -> id
-> const
op -> + | - | * | /
The program will be provided as an s-expression, so the following program:
if bool then
while bool
id = id + const
if bool then
id = const / const
id = const * id
should be passed in as:
((if bool then
(while bool
(id = id + const)
(if bool then
(id = const / const)
(id = const * id)
The invocation of the above program will be:
(parse '((if bool then (while bool (id = id + const)(if bool then (id = const / const))))(id = const * id)))
###To run: $ mzscheme < parser.scm