Libraries not pre-packaged with Python that need installation.
- setuptools
- colorama
- requests
- numpy
- pandas
- pytest
- pytest-cov
- pillow
- prompt-toolkit
- cryptography
- pyautogui
- Tested Versions:
- Python 3.10.9
- Python 3.11.1
when using windows, execution policy for scripts must be changed from default to allow scripts to run like the activate script for the virtual environment. This is done by using the command (Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned)
Creating and entering a virtual environment
Creating the environment:
- Linux/Mac:
python3 -m venv spell
- Windows:
py -m venv spell
- Linux/Mac:
Activating/Entering the environement:
source spell/bin/activate
- CMD:
- PowerShell:
- CMD:
Deactivating/Exiting the environment:
- Linux/Mac/PowerShell:
- Linux/Mac/PowerShell:
- Within the spell environment use the command:
pip install -e .
- Within the spell environment use the command:
Running program
Within the spell environment:
- GUI:
- CLI:
bee --cli
- GUI:
How to play:
You are given a word puzzle with a bunch of letters and a required letter. The Required letter is in the center of the honeycomb. Every word that you guess requires that the center letter be used, otherwise you will not receive credit for the guess. The word that you guess also needs to be a valid word in the Scrabble dictionary. Every puzzle has a corresponding pangram that it is generated from. The pangram will include every letter in the honeycomb.
Commands: Call commands with a preceeding '!'. Commands may be called at anytime.
- -!new random - Generate a new random puzzle
- -!new word - Generate a new puzzle with a user given word. Console will prompt for the word after command is given.
- -!save - Bring up the prompts for saving your current game.
- -!save secret - Bring up the prompts for saving your current game with encryption.
- -!save score - Bring up prompts for saving your score into High Scores if applicable.
- -!save image - Saves image of the CLI honeycomb.
- -!load - Bring up the prompts for loading a saved game.
- -!scores - Display the scoreboard for the current game and your current points.
- -!rank - Display available ranks and point thresholds per rank.
- -!shuffle - Shuffle the shown puzzle honeycomb randomly, changing the order of the letter randomly other than the required center letter. You can use this to help you find other words.
- -!guessed - Shows all the already correctly guessed words.
- -!hints - prints out all the hints for the given puzzle
- -!help - Prints out the help menu.
- -!exit - Exits the game. Will prompt to save.
- -!quit - Exits the entire program. Will prompt to save.
Using the Testing Suite
Running a complete Test:
- Use the command line command:
orbtest all
- To add coverage use:
btest cov
orbtest all cov
- To add coverage use:
- Use the command line command:
Testing coverage of a specific directory (IE. model, controller, view)
- Use the command line command:
btest model
orbtest controller
orbtest view
- Use the command line command:
Testing individual files and unit test
btest file
for normal testingbtest file cov
for testing with coveragebtest file single
for testing one individual unit test from the file- Choose the test file via the number connected to them (IE. 1, 2, 3, etc.)
- If you do not want to choose a file:
MVC: The MVC pattern can be seen in the division of responsabilities, being the classes in charge of showing data in the view (UserInterface and the different classes that inherit from it), the classes in charge of controlling the flow of the program and responding to the user interactions in the controller part, and the classes in charge of storing and handling data in the model. All these classes are divided into their corresponding folders
Proxy: For calling the data base, we have implemented the proxy design pattern, in order to have only one class to communicate with it. This can be useful to prevent IO problems when accessing the data in the data base. The class that acts as a proxy for the data base is the DataSource class, which has an interface that can be used to extract data without directly interacting with the data base.
Factory: For creating the different types of interfaces, we have a factory class that returns the object of one of the classes that inherit from UserInterface, depending on the type of interface the user has chosen to use. The class that makes the object is just called factory, and its use can be seen in the main.py when creating the interface for the user.
Singleton: As we have made clear that we want to control the access to the data base in order to avoid different problems that can happen due to multiple components accessing it, a logical improvement to avoid this problem is to, not only have different classes accessing the data base but have different objects, that is why the DataSource class, the proxy for the data base, is now a singleton. This can be seen in the beginning of the DataSource class, as only one instance of that class can be made.
Strategy: Saving data in both plain text and cipher text (for the wordList) is seperated into different strategies using the strategy design pattern. This seperates our save data function which originally did everything in house, into different stratgies so we can save json files in both plain text and cipher text without having the complexity stored in the single saveData function. This can be seen with our new classes Context, Strategy, plainSave and encryptSave. They are first used in saveData based on if the user is encrypting their wordList or not.
Iterator: We need to study the data of different sets of elements, it might be a list of strings or all the letters of a word. The iterator becomes useful to make this tasks, so just by using this utility in the loops we can accomplish the study of elements we desire. This pattern can be found in the getHints method used to study the beginning of the words to make the hint matrix.
- Mediator: The communication between the different components is not direct, it is always through the controller. If the interface wants some data about the puzzle, it won't call directly to the puzzle, but it will ask to the controller about that data. Even though this pattern is a consequence of the MVC, we wanted to at least mention it.