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Prom2click is a Prometheus remote storage adapter for Clickhouse. This project is in the early stages, beta testers are welcome :)

It's in a working state and writing metrics into Clickhouse in configurable batch sizes with a very small number of metrics (eg. Prometheus scraping itself).

prom2click  --help
Usage of ./prom2click:
  -ch.batch int
        Clickhouse write batch size (n metrics). (default 8192)
  -ch.buffer int
        Maximum internal channel buffer size (n requests). (default 8192)
  -ch.db string
        The clickhouse database to write to. (default "metrics")
  -ch.table string
        The clickhouse table to write to. (default "samples")
  -dsn string
        The clickhouse server DSN to write to eg. tcp://host1:9000?username=user&password=qwerty&database=clicks&read_timeout=10&write_timeout=20&alt_hosts=host2:9000,host3:9000 (see (default "tcp://")
  -log.format value
        Set the log target and format. Example: "logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7" or "logger:stdout?json=true" (default "logger:stderr")
  -log.level value
        Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
  -web.address string
        Address to listen on for web endpoints. (default ":9201")
  -web.metrics string
        Address to listen on for metric requests. (default "/metrics")
  -web.timeout duration
        The timeout to use for HTTP requests and server shutdown. Defaults to 30s. (default 30s)
  -web.write string
        Address to listen on for remote write requests. (default "/write")

Getting started

  • Install clickhouse

    • If you run ubuntu they have debs, otherwise.. well.. containers? (I'm running it in lxc with net=none on some Redhat based systems)

    • Goto Tabix for a quick and easy Clickhouse UI

    • Create clickhouse schema

      CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metrics.samples
              date Date DEFAULT toDate(0),
              name String,
              tags Array(String),
              vals Array(String),
              val Float64,
              ts DateTime
          ) ENGINE = MergeTree(date, (tags, ts), 8192);
    • For a more resiliant setup you could setup shards, replicas and a distributed table

       CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metrics.samples
       	date Date DEFAULT toDate(0),
       	name String,
       	tags Array(String),
       	vals Array(String),
       	val Float64,
       	ts DateTime
       ) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/{shard}/metrics.samples', '  {replica}', date, (tags, ts), 8192);
       CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS metrics.dist
       	date Date DEFAULT toDate(0),
       	name String,
       	tags Array(String),
       	vals Array(String),
       	val Float64,
       	ts DateTime
       ) ENGINE = Distributed(metrics, metrics, samples, intHash64(name));
  • Install/Configure Grafana

  • Install the Clickhouse Grafana Datasource Plugin

    sudo grafana-cli plugins  install vertamedia-clickhouse-datasource
  • Install Prometheus and configure a remote write url

    # Remote write configuration (for Graphite, OpenTSDB, or InfluxDB).
        - url: "http://localhost:9201/write"
  • Build prom2click and run it

    • Install go and glide
    $ make get-deps
    $ make build
    $ ./bin/prom2click
  • Create a dashboard

    • Example query
    SELECT $timeSeries as t, median(val) FROM $table WHERE $timeFilter
        AND name = $metric GROUP BY t ORDER BY t
    • Basic graph

    Alt text


make test

note: there are no tests (yet)..


Some things I'm still working out - this list will likely get longer for a bit:

  • How many metrics/second a reasonably sized cluster can accept (eg. 4 servers, 2 shards, 1 replica per shard)
  • How to use templated variables within templates
  • How to select multiple series
  • Will the graphite merge engine work with my schema
  • Are 10 second samples for > 1 year feasible


Prometheus remote storage adaptor for Clickhouse







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