OPTIONAL: set next build number (defaults to 0)
Updates that apply to all sendgrid twisted versions should be applied to the sendgrid_package_patch branch and merged into each supported version branch. Separate patch branches may be created as needed.
Sendgrid currently has two builds of twisted, each build by Jenkins
- 10.0.0 http://build.sendgrid.net:8080/job/twisted/
- 13.2.0 http://build.sendgrid.net:8080/job/twisted-13/
Example create 13.3.0
- assume origin git@github.com:sendgird/twisted
- assume all remotes and branches are up to date
- Check out twisted tag of version 13.3.0
$ git checkout twisted-13.3.0
- Create branch sendgrid-13.3.0 from twisted tag twisted-13.3.0
$ git co -b sendgrid-13.3.0
- Cherry pick sendgrid_package_patch changes onto sendgrid-12.0.0 NOTE: sendgrid_package_patch started at tag twisted-10.0.0
$ git cherry-pick twisted-10.0.0..sendgrid_package_patch
- Push branch to origin and create jenkins job to build rpm
- Checkout sendgrid version branch
$ git checkout sendgird-13.3.0
- OPTIONAL: set next build number (defaults to 0)
- In the repo root directory run:
$ bash -le .jenkins