A command line Python script to hash strings and files.
usage: python.exe hashscript.py [-h] -a Algorithm [-o Out File] [-f File | -s String | -fL File List | -sL String List]
Hash a file, a list of files, a string or list of strings.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a Algorithm sha224, sha384, sha3_224, sha3_256, shake_128, shake_256, sha1, sha3_512, md5, sha256, sha512, blake2s, blake2b, sha3_384. Two or more separated by comas (ex sha1,sha256). Or all.
-o Out File File path to write the hashes.
-f File Path to file or * to all under current Work Directory.
-s String String to hash.
-fL File List Path to text file with files (paths) to hash. -o flag and a filepath to write results are required.
-sL String List Path to text file with strings (lines) to hash. -o flag and a filepath to write results are required.