Version | Supported |
3.x.x | ✅ |
2.x.x | ✅ |
1.1.x | ✅ |
< 1.1.0 | ❌ |
Chrome >=87 Firefox >=78 Safari >=14 Edge >=88
If you encounter bugs or documentation mistakes when using this project, please report by [opening an issue][Jarboot-issue]. I treat bugs and mistakes very seriously and believe no issue is too small, anyOne is implement. Before creating a bug report, please check that an issue reporting the same problem does not already exist.
To make the bug report accurate and easy to understand, please try to create bug reports that are:
First, check whether there is a problem with the latest version, which may have been fixed.
Specific. Include as much details as possible: which version, what environment, what configuration, etc.
Unique. Do not duplicate existing bug report.
Reproducible. Include the steps to reproduce the problem. If not please describe as many details as possible, attach stack trace and logs if possible.
如果你在使用本项目中遇到了问题或者文档有错误,请通过提交[opening an issue][Jarboot-issue]的方式告诉我。我会认真解决这些问题,哪怕是再小的问题都是值得的。首先,在提交一个问题前,请先检查下有没有相同的问题已经存在。