A simple Gmail API client in Python for applications.
Current Supported Behavior:
- Sending html messages
- Sending messages with attachments
- Sending messages with your Gmail account signature
- Retrieving messages with the full suite of Gmail's search capabilities
The only setup required is to download a "client secrets" file from Google that will allow your applications to do its thing.
Follow the instructions here: https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/quickstart/python.
Name the file you download "client_secrets.json" and place it in the root directory of your application.
The first time you create a new instance of the Gmail
class, a browser window will open and you'll be asked to give permissions to the application. This will only happen once.
You are now good to go!
from simplegmail import Gmail
gmail = Gmail() # will open a browser window to ask you to log in and authenticate
params = {
"to": "you@youremail.com",
"sender": "me@myemail.com",
"subject": "My first email",
"msg_html": "<h1>Woah, my first email!</h1><br />This is an HTML email.",
"msg_plain": "Hi\nThis is a plain text email.",
"signature": True # use my account signature
gmail.send_message(**params) # equivalent to send_message(to="you@youremail.com", sender=...)
from simplegmail import Gmail
gmail = Gmail()
params = {
"to": "you@youremail.com",
"sender": "me@myemail.com",
"cc": ["bob@bobsemail.com"],
"bcc": ["marie@gossip.com", "hidden@whereami.com"],
"subject": "My first email",
"msg_html": "<h1>Woah, my first email!</h1><br />This is an HTML email.",
"msg_plain": "Hi\nThis is a plain text email.",
"attachments": ["path/to/something/cool.pdf", "path/to/image.jpg", "path/to/script.py"],
"signature": True # use my account signature
gmail.send_message(**params) # equivalent to send_message(to="you@youremail.com", sender=...)
It couldn't be easier!
from simplegmail import Gmail
gmail = Gmail()
# Unread messages in your inbox
messages = gmail.get_unread_inbox()
# Starred messages
messages = gmail.get_starred_messages()
# ...and many more easy to use functions...
# Print them out!
for message in messages:
print("To: " + message['To'])
print("From: " + message['From'])
print("Subject: " + message['Subject'])
print("Date: " + message['Date'])
print("Preview: " + message['Snippet'])
# print("Message Body: " + message['Message Body'])
from simplegmail import Gmail
from simplegmail.query import construct_query
gmail = Gmail()
# Unread messages in inbox with label "Work"
messages = gmail.get_unread_inbox(label_ids=["Work"])
# For even more control use queries:
# Messages that are: newer than 2 days old, unread, labeled "Work" or both "Homework" and "CS"
query_params = {
"newer_than": (2, "day"),
"unread": True,
"labels":[["Work"], ["Homework", "CS"]]
messages = gmail.get_messages(query=construct_query(query_params))
# We could have also accomplished this with
# messages = gmail.get_unread_messages(query=construct_query(newer_than=(2, "day"), labels=[["Work"], ["Homework", "CS"]]))
# There are many, many different ways of achieving the same result with search.
from simplegmail import Gmail
from simplegmail.query import construct_query
gmail = Gmail()
# For even more control use queries:
# Messages that are either:
# newer than 2 days old, unread, labeled "Work" or both "Homework" and "CS"
# or
# newer than 1 month old, unread, labeled "Top Secret", but not starred.
# Construct our two queries separately
query_params_1 = {
"newer_than": (2, "day"),
"unread": True,
"labels":[["Work"], ["Homework", "CS"]]
query_params_2 = {
"newer_than": (1, "month"),
"unread": True,
"labels": ["Top Secret"],
"starred": True,
"exclude_starred": True
# construct_query() will create both query strings and "or" them together.
messages = gmail.get_messages(query=construct_query(query_params_1, query_params_2))
For more on what you can do with queries, read the docstring for construct_query()
in query.py
If there is functionality you'd like to see added, or any bugs in this project, please let me know by posting an issue or submitting a pull request!