Forked js application form:
Github repository:
Upload CloudFormation stack called infrastructure.yaml
to AWS named for example: ecs-nextjs-app
Build, tag and push docker image to AWS ECR with name nextjs-application
Go to task definition and find the latest revision and copu the json file that has been created.
Paste the content of the file into root of the directory and name it task-definition.json
Next add everything and push it to our Github repository. Add secrets in your Github: Settings/Actions/secrets for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_REGION.
Github actions workflow ref: Every time someone pushes code to your repository Github actions will be triggered and it will login to your AWS account and it will build, push and deploy nextjs application to your ECR image. Task definition with ECR will be deployed to ECS cluster and uspated version of the application will be deployed.