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SideMenu library that such as a lot of sidemenu libraries on Github for iOS. Besides of basic functions of a SideMenu, there is an enhancement sidemenu that was implemented some effects and animations like scrolling effect, fade animation for displaying the menu's items,.. Checking it out and enjoying.
. Create a UINavigationController subclassed from LNSideMenuNavigationController in order.
. Initilize the menu view based on a source view:
func initialSideMenu(_ position: Position) {
sideMenu = LNSideMenu(sourceView: view, menuPosition: position, items: items!)
sideMenu?.menuViewController?.menuBgColor = UIColor.black.withAlphaComponent(0.85)
sideMenu?.delegate = self
// Bring navigationBar to front if needed
view.bringSubview(toFront: navigationBar)
. Implementing delegate methods: didSelectItemAtIndex,..
. In order to change the content viewcontroller: from the your UINavigationController subclass, getting your destination and then making it as the content viewcontroller.
func didSelectItemAtIndex(index: Int) {
// TODO: Get your destViewController here
. Toggle menu:
. Making navigation bar translucent by adding these code as following:
sideMenuManager?.sideMenuController()?.sideMenu?.isNavbarHiddenOrTransparent = true
. Digging Example
for more explaination
Initialize sidemenu as below in NavigationController subclass: In order for customizing the menu size in width, we can use one of 3 types of size that consists of full, half and twothird.
func initialCustomMenu(pos position: Position) {
let menu = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "LeftMenuTableViewController") as! LeftMenuTableViewController
menu.delegate = self
sideMenu = LNSideMenu(sourceView: view, menuPosition: position, customSideMenu: menu)
sideMenu?.delegate = self
// Enable dynamic animator
sideMenu?.enableDynamic = true
// Moving down the menu view under navigation bar
sideMenu?.underNavigationBar = true
. disabled: default is false, disabled/enabled sidemenu
. enableDynamic: default is true, disabled/enabled dynamic animator
. enableAnimation: default is true, showing side menu with fade animation
. Gesture recognizers: allowLeftSwipe, allowRightSwipe, allowPanGesture: default is true
. animationDuration: default is 0.5, show/hide sidemenu animation duration
. hideWhenDidSelectOnCell: default is true, the sidemenu is hidden when selecting an item on menu
. SideMenu custom colors:
- menuBgColor: default is purpleColor
- itemBgColor: default is whiteColor
- highlightColor: default is redColor
- titleColor: item title color, default is blackColor
. Xcode 8
. iOS 8 or higher
. Swift 3
LNSideMenu is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'LNSideMenu', '~> 2.3'
Adding all files in LNSideMenu folder to your project folder
. Changing content viewcontroller animation
I will be much appreciated if anyone's interested in and take your time to contribute it.
Luan Nguyen
LNSideMenu is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.