If the CLI shows help because of a malformed command, but --help
was not passed, return nonzeroΒ #3466
Thanks for your work on kind, it's very helpful.
I mistyped a command: kind clusters get
. That's not how the CLI works. It should have been kind get clusters
Helpfully, kind showed me the help. Unhelpfully, kind returned 0, as if everything had gone according to plan. Later, I tried to recall this command via fzf, expecting to chose from a list of past successes.
Instead I was shown both failures and successes:
kind get clusters
kind clusters get
This happened because kind returned 0 for both, so my history search couldn't tell the successes from the failures.
Git behaves appropriately:
$ git status > /dev/null && echo good || echo bad
$ git schmatus 2> /dev/null && echo good || echo bad
Kind does not:
$ kind get clusters > /dev/null && echo good || echo bad
$ kind clusters get > /dev/null && echo good || echo bad
- kind version: (use
kind version
kind v0.20.0 go1.21.3 darwin/amd64