Moto can be run as a proxy, intercepting all requests to AWS and mocking them instead.
Some of the benefits:
- Easy to configure for all SDK's
- Can be reached by Lambda containers, allowing you to mock service-calls inside a Lambda-function
Install the required dependencies using:
pip install moto[proxy]
You can then start the proxy like this:
$ pip install moto[proxy]
$ moto_proxy
Note that, if you want your Lambda functions to reach this proxy, you need to open up the moto_proxy:
$ moto_proxy -H
Be careful not to use this on a public network - this allows all network users access to your server.
The help command shows a quick-guide on how to configure SDK's to use the proxy. .. code-block:: bash
$ moto_proxy --help
To use the MotoProxy while running your tests, the AWS SDK needs to know two things:
- The proxy endpoint
- How to deal with SSL
To set the proxy endpoint, use the HTTPS_PROXY-environment variable.
Because the proxy does not have an approved SSL certificate, the SDK will not trust the proxy by default. This means that the SDK has to be configured to either
- Accept the proxy's custom certificate, by setting the AWS_CA_BUNDLE-environment variable
- Allow unverified SSL certificates
The AWS_CA_BUNDLE needs to point to the location of the CA certificate that comes with Moto.
You can run moto_proxy --help to get the exact location of this certificate, depending on where Moto is installed.
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://localhost:5005
aws cloudformation list-stacks --no-verify-ssl
Or by configuring the AWS_CA_BUNDLE:
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://localhost:5005
export AWS_CA_BUNDLE=/location/of/moto/ca/cert.crt
aws cloudformation list-stacks
If you're already using Moto's mock_service-decorators, you can use a custom environment variable that configures everything automatically:
TEST_PROXY_MODE=true pytest
To configure this manually:
from botocore.config import Config
config = Config(proxies={"https": "http://localhost:5005"})
client = boto3.client("s3", config=config, verify=False)
provider "aws" { region = "us-east-1" http_proxy = "http://localhost:5005" custom_ca_bundle = "/location/of/moto/ca/cert.crt" # OR insecure = true }
If some URL's should not be intercepted, you can configure the MotoProxy to pass them through.
To do so, make the following HTTP request:
config_url = "" proxies = {"http": "http://localhost:5005", "https": "http://localhost:5005"} http_url = "" https_host = "" config = {"http_urls": [http_url], "https_hosts": [https_host]}, json=config, proxies=proxies)
Note the difference between http_url and https_hosts. You can configure a full URL to intercept if and only if it is a HTTP (unsecured) url.
If you want to passthrough a request to a HTTPS endpoint, you have to specify the HTTPS host. Say you want to make a request to, the https_host would have to be set to
All HTTPS requests to this domain will be intercepted.
If your test setup supports the NO_PROXY environment variable, you could exclude from being proxied by setting NO_PROXY accepts a comma separated list of domains, e.g.,