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Inline typeclass projections. (digital-asset#5759)
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* Inline typeclasses and apply projections.

This draft PR:

* adds a Subst module for substitution within LF expressions.
  This implementation piggybacks on the existing type
  substition. But there are not enough tests yet.
* passes World data into the simplifier, in order to have
  have the ability to inline functions (selectively)
* inlines typeclass dictionaries and projection functions
* beta reduces type lambdas (which are just ignored by
  speedy afaik)
* beta reduces lambdas that are passed units or dictionaries
* runs the simplifier twice so it has a change to
  perform the inlining, reduction, AND projection
  -- this is probably avoidable by sequencing the
  simplifier steps in a specific order, but running
  the simplifier twice is simple enough for now.
* together, these fix digital-asset#5748 (see result on a toy module)


* add lots of tests for Subst
* run this on a benchmark to see how big of a difference it makes.
* reduce the jankiness of running the simplifier twice.


DAML input:

module Main where

hello : Int
hello = 10 + 30

Original DAML-LF output:

module Main where
    def hello : Int64 =

Current DAML-LF output:

 module Main where
    def hello : Int64 = ADD_INT64 10 30


* Update copyright header

* Lint

* More direct typeclass simplification

* extendWorldSelf + getTypeClassDictionary

* Fix visual

* Fix visual comment

* Disable cross-module inlining for incremental builds

* Cleanup subst/freevars.

* copyright header

* Alpha equivalence for LF expressions.

* copyright header

* lots of tests

* fix comment

* Apply review suggestions
  • Loading branch information
sofiafaro-da authored May 11, 2020
1 parent 93a01f7 commit 1bd117b
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Showing 11 changed files with 1,148 additions and 143 deletions.
344 changes: 344 additions & 0 deletions compiler/daml-lf-ast/src/DA/Daml/LF/Ast/Alpha.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

-- | Alpha equivalence of types and expressions.
module DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Alpha
( alphaType
, alphaExpr
) where

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

import DA.Daml.LF.Ast.Base

-- | Auxiliary data structure to track bound variables.
data AlphaEnv = AlphaEnv
{ currentDepth :: !Int
-- ^ Current binding depth.
, boundTypeVarsLhs :: !(Map.Map TypeVarName Int)
-- ^ Maps bound type variables from the left-hand-side to
-- the depth of the binder which introduced them.
, boundTypeVarsRhs :: !(Map.Map TypeVarName Int)
-- ^ Maps bound type variables from the right-hand-side to
-- the depth of the binder which introduced them.
, boundExprVarsLhs :: !(Map.Map ExprVarName Int)
-- ^ Maps bound expr variables from the left-hand-side to
-- the depth of the binder which introduced them.
, boundExprVarsRhs :: !(Map.Map ExprVarName Int)
-- ^ Maps bound expr variables from the right-hand-side to
-- the depth of the binder which introduced them.

onMaybe :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool
onMaybe f me1 me2 = case (me1, me2) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> True
(Nothing, Just _) -> False
(Just _, Nothing) -> False
(Just e1, Just e2) -> f e1 e2

onList :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
onList f xs ys = length xs == length ys
&& and (zipWith f xs ys)

onFieldList :: Eq a => (b -> b -> Bool) -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)] -> Bool
onFieldList f xs ys = map fst xs == map fst ys
&& and (zipWith f (map snd xs) (map snd ys))

bindTypeVar :: TypeVarName -> TypeVarName -> AlphaEnv -> AlphaEnv
bindTypeVar x1 x2 env@AlphaEnv{..} = env
{ currentDepth = currentDepth + 1
, boundTypeVarsLhs = Map.insert x1 currentDepth boundTypeVarsLhs
, boundTypeVarsRhs = Map.insert x2 currentDepth boundTypeVarsRhs }

bindExprVar :: ExprVarName -> ExprVarName -> AlphaEnv -> AlphaEnv
bindExprVar x1 x2 env@AlphaEnv{..} = env
{ currentDepth = currentDepth + 1
, boundExprVarsLhs = Map.insert x1 currentDepth boundExprVarsLhs
, boundExprVarsRhs = Map.insert x2 currentDepth boundExprVarsRhs }

alphaTypeVar :: AlphaEnv -> TypeVarName -> TypeVarName -> Bool
alphaTypeVar AlphaEnv{..} x1 x2 =
case (Map.lookup x1 boundTypeVarsLhs, Map.lookup x2 boundTypeVarsRhs) of
(Just l1, Just l2) -> l1 == l2
(Nothing, Nothing) -> x1 == x2
_ -> False

alphaExprVar :: AlphaEnv -> ExprVarName -> ExprVarName -> Bool
alphaExprVar AlphaEnv{..} x1 x2 =
case (Map.lookup x1 boundExprVarsLhs, Map.lookup x2 boundExprVarsRhs) of
(Just l1, Just l2) -> l1 == l2
(Nothing, Nothing) -> x1 == x2
_ -> False

-- | Strongly typed version of (==) for qualified type constructor names.
alphaTypeCon :: Qualified TypeConName -> Qualified TypeConName -> Bool
alphaTypeCon = (==)

alphaType' :: AlphaEnv -> Type -> Type -> Bool
alphaType' env = \case
TVar x1 -> \case
TVar x2 -> alphaTypeVar env x1 x2
_ -> False
TCon c1 -> \case
TCon c2 -> alphaTypeCon c1 c2
_ -> False
TApp t1a t1b -> \case
TApp t2a t2b -> alphaType' env t1a t2a && alphaType' env t1b t2b
_ -> False
TBuiltin b1 -> \case
TBuiltin b2 -> b1 == b2
_ -> False
TForall (x1, k1) t1' -> \case
TForall (x2, k2) t2' -> k1 == k2 &&
let env' = bindTypeVar x1 x2 env
in alphaType' env' t1' t2'
_ -> False
TStruct fs1 -> \case
TStruct fs2 -> onFieldList (alphaType' env) fs1 fs2
_ -> False
TNat n1 -> \case
TNat n2 -> n1 == n2
_ -> False
TSynApp s1 ts1 -> \case
TSynApp s2 ts2 -> s1 == s2 && onList (alphaType' env) ts1 ts2
_ -> False

alphaTypeConApp :: AlphaEnv -> TypeConApp -> TypeConApp -> Bool
alphaTypeConApp env (TypeConApp c1 ts1) (TypeConApp c2 ts2) =
c1 == c2 && onList (alphaType' env) ts1 ts2

alphaExpr' :: AlphaEnv -> Expr -> Expr -> Bool
alphaExpr' env = \case
EVar x1 -> \case
EVar x2 -> alphaExprVar env x1 x2
_ -> False
EVal v1 -> \case
EVal v2 -> v1 == v2
_ -> False
EBuiltin b1 -> \case
EBuiltin b2 -> b1 == b2
_ -> False
ERecCon t1 fs1 -> \case
ERecCon t2 fs2 -> alphaTypeConApp env t1 t2
&& onFieldList (alphaExpr' env) fs1 fs2
_ -> False
ERecProj t1 f1 e1 -> \case
ERecProj t2 f2 e2 -> f1 == f2
&& alphaTypeConApp env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
ERecUpd t1 f1 e1a e1b -> \case
ERecUpd t2 f2 e2a e2b -> f1 == f2
&& alphaTypeConApp env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1a e2a
&& alphaExpr' env e1b e2b
_ -> False
EVariantCon t1 c1 e1 -> \case
EVariantCon t2 c2 e2 -> c1 == c2
&& alphaTypeConApp env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
EEnumCon t1 c1 -> \case
EEnumCon t2 c2 -> alphaTypeCon t1 t2 && c1 == c2
_ -> False
EStructCon fs1 -> \case
EStructCon fs2 -> onFieldList (alphaExpr' env) fs1 fs2
_ -> False
EStructProj f1 e1 -> \case
EStructProj f2 e2 -> f1 == f2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
EStructUpd f1 e1a e1b -> \case
EStructUpd f2 e2a e2b -> f1 == f2
&& alphaExpr' env e1a e2a
&& alphaExpr' env e1b e2b
_ -> False
ETmApp e1a e1b -> \case
ETmApp e2a e2b -> alphaExpr' env e1a e2a
&& alphaExpr' env e1b e2b
_ -> False
ETyApp e1 t1 -> \case
ETyApp e2 t2 -> alphaExpr' env e1 e2
&& alphaType' env t1 t2
_ -> False
ETmLam (x1,t1) e1 -> \case
ETmLam (x2,t2) e2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' (bindExprVar x1 x2 env) e1 e2
_ -> False
ETyLam (x1,k1) e1 -> \case
ETyLam (x2,k2) e2 -> k1 == k2
&& alphaExpr' (bindTypeVar x1 x2 env) e1 e2
_ -> False
ECase e1 ps1 -> \case
ECase e2 ps2 -> alphaExpr' env e1 e2
&& onList (alphaCase env) ps1 ps2
_ -> False
ELet b1 e1 -> \case
ELet b2 e2 ->
alphaBinding env b1 b2 (\env' -> alphaExpr' env' e1 e2)
_ -> False
ENil t1 -> \case
ENil t2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
_ -> False
ECons t1 e1a e1b -> \case
ECons t2 e2a e2b -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1a e2a
&& alphaExpr' env e1b e2b
_ -> False
ESome t1 e1 -> \case
ESome t2 e2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
ENone t1 -> \case
ENone t2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
_ -> False
EToAny t1 e1 -> \case
EToAny t2 e2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
EFromAny t1 e1 -> \case
EFromAny t2 e2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
ETypeRep t1 -> \case
ETypeRep t2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
_ -> False
EUpdate u1 -> \case
EUpdate u2 -> alphaUpdate env u1 u2
_ -> False
EScenario s1 -> \case
EScenario s2 -> alphaScenario env s1 s2
_ -> False
ELocation _ e1 -> \case
ELocation _ e2 -> alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False

alphaBinding :: AlphaEnv -> Binding -> Binding -> (AlphaEnv -> Bool) -> Bool
alphaBinding env (Binding (x1,t1) e1) (Binding (x2,t2) e2) k =
alphaType' env t1 t2 && alphaExpr' env e1 e2 && k (bindExprVar x1 x2 env)

alphaCase :: AlphaEnv -> CaseAlternative -> CaseAlternative -> Bool
alphaCase env (CaseAlternative p1 e1) (CaseAlternative p2 e2) =
alphaPattern env p1 p2 (\env' -> alphaExpr' env' e1 e2)

alphaPattern :: AlphaEnv -> CasePattern -> CasePattern -> (AlphaEnv -> Bool) -> Bool
alphaPattern env p1 p2 k = case p1 of
CPVariant t1 c1 x1 -> case p2 of
CPVariant t2 c2 x2 -> alphaTypeCon t1 t2 && c1 == c2 && k (bindExprVar x1 x2 env)
_ -> False
CPEnum t1 c1 -> case p2 of
CPEnum t2 c2 -> alphaTypeCon t1 t2 && c1 == c2 && k env
_ -> False
CPUnit -> case p2 of
CPUnit -> k env
_ -> False
CPBool b1 -> case p2 of
CPBool b2 -> b1 == b2 && k env
_ -> False
CPNil -> case p2 of
CPNil -> k env
_ -> False
CPCons x1a x1b -> case p2 of
CPCons x2a x2b -> k (bindExprVar x1a x2a (bindExprVar x1b x2b env))
_ -> False
CPNone -> case p2 of
CPNone -> k env
_ -> False
CPSome x1 -> case p2 of
CPSome x2 -> k (bindExprVar x1 x2 env)
_ -> False
CPDefault -> case p2 of
CPDefault -> k env
_ -> False

alphaUpdate :: AlphaEnv -> Update -> Update -> Bool
alphaUpdate env = \case
UPure t1 e1 -> \case
UPure t2 e2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
UBind b1 e1 -> \case
UBind b2 e2 ->
alphaBinding env b1 b2 (\env' -> alphaExpr' env' e1 e2)
_ -> False
UCreate t1 e1 -> \case
UCreate t2 e2 -> alphaTypeCon t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
UExercise t1 c1 e1a e1b e1c -> \case
UExercise t2 c2 e2a e2b e2c -> alphaTypeCon t1 t2
&& c1 == c2
&& alphaExpr' env e1a e2a
&& onMaybe (alphaExpr' env) e1b e2b
&& alphaExpr' env e1c e2c
_ -> False
UFetch t1 e1 -> \case
UFetch t2 e2 -> alphaTypeCon t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
UGetTime -> \case
UGetTime -> True
_ -> False
UEmbedExpr t1 e1 -> \case
UEmbedExpr t2 e2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
ULookupByKey r1 -> \case
ULookupByKey r2 -> alphaRetrieveByKey env r1 r2
_ -> False
UFetchByKey r1 -> \case
UFetchByKey r2 -> alphaRetrieveByKey env r1 r2
_ -> False

alphaRetrieveByKey :: AlphaEnv -> RetrieveByKey -> RetrieveByKey -> Bool
alphaRetrieveByKey env (RetrieveByKey t1 e1) (RetrieveByKey t2 e2) =
alphaTypeCon t1 t2 && alphaExpr' env e1 e2

alphaScenario :: AlphaEnv -> Scenario -> Scenario -> Bool
alphaScenario env = \case
SPure t1 e1 -> \case
SPure t2 e2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
SBind b1 e1 -> \case
SBind b2 e2 ->
alphaBinding env b1 b2 (\env' -> alphaExpr' env' e1 e2)
_ -> False
SCommit t1 e1a e1b -> \case
SCommit t2 e2a e2b -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1a e2a
&& alphaExpr' env e1b e2b
_ -> False
SMustFailAt t1 e1a e1b -> \case
SMustFailAt t2 e2a e2b -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1a e2a
&& alphaExpr' env e1b e2b
_ -> False
SPass e1 -> \case
SPass e2 -> alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
SGetTime -> \case
SGetTime -> True
_ -> False
SGetParty e1 -> \case
SGetParty e2 -> alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False
SEmbedExpr t1 e1 -> \case
SEmbedExpr t2 e2 -> alphaType' env t1 t2
&& alphaExpr' env e1 e2
_ -> False

initialAlphaEnv :: AlphaEnv
initialAlphaEnv = AlphaEnv
{ currentDepth = 0
, boundTypeVarsLhs = Map.empty
, boundTypeVarsRhs = Map.empty
, boundExprVarsLhs = Map.empty
, boundExprVarsRhs = Map.empty

alphaType :: Type -> Type -> Bool
alphaType = alphaType' initialAlphaEnv

alphaExpr :: Expr -> Expr -> Bool
alphaExpr = alphaExpr' initialAlphaEnv

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