Experiencing issues integrating keycloak on ArgoCD #36386
I recently deployed Argocd for my org and as a way of authenticating, we decided to adopt Keycloak for verification as it is used extensively within the org. Looked at the argocd documentation in order to set it up but each time I click on the Keycloak on the Argocd UI, I immediately get this error
'''Failed to query provider "https://keycloak_url/auth/realm name": 404 Not Found: {"error":"RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path: https://keycloak_url/auth/realm name/.well-known/openid-configuration"}'''
and in other cases
Failed to query provider "https://keycloak_url/realm_name": 404 Not Found:
Resource not found
I have thoroughly checked through including creating the client, client role and group again but the issue still persists. Any ideas ?
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