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CrossplatForms is a Java Edition plugin aimed at creating Bedrock Edition Forms for Geyser players through flexible configurations. Bedrock Forms allow servers to provide players with abritrary choices in a styled menu, which the server then handles in any way desired. This allows you to customize forms specifically for your server, plugins, etc.

Inventory menus for Java Edition players can also be created, on all platforms. Protocolize must be installed on BungeeCord/Velocity for inventory menus to be created on them.

Geyser and Floodgate are not required, and if not present, Bedrock Edition features will be simply disabled.

See the gallery for visual examples.
See the wiki for configuration information.


  • Define Actions to run commands, open interfaces, change servers, etc
  • Simple, Modal, and Custom Forms for Bedrock Edition players
    • Simple and Modal Forms: Trigger different Actions depending on the button pressed
    • Custom Forms: Actions are triggered, and the response of each component is available as a placeholder in actions
  • Inventory menus. Trigger different Actions depending on the button pressed
  • Access Items for players that trigger Actions when clicked in hand
  • Register custom commands that trigger Actions
  • Trigger Actions when existing commands are executed
  • Broad placeholder support

Supported Platforms:

For CrossplatForms on BungeeCord/Velocity: If you have both Geyser and Floodgate installed, you'll need to either:

A: Use Geyser-Standalone instead
B: Use our fork of Floodgate that allows using the Floodgate API on BungeeCord/Velocity while Geyser is also installed. Only install it on the proxy.

BungeeCord and Velocity do not support Access Items.

Alternative downloads are available here and development builds are available here.


  • Java 8 or higher
  • Geyser or Floodgate are required for Bedrock Edition specific features. Other features will still work without them.
    • If you want to install CForms on Spigot servers behind a BungeeCord/Velocity proxy, Floodgate must also be installed on the backend servers. Follow this guide closely. If you need setup help or Bedrock players are being treated as Java players, ask the Geyser Discord for help.

How to use Geyser instead of Floodgate:

Although using Floodgate should always be preferred, it is not required. If you want to use Geyser, Java 16 or higher is required. There may be additional steps depending on your platform:

Paper 1.16.5 and newer, Velocity:    No extra steps necessary
Spigot, BungeeCord, Waterfall:      Add -Djdk.util.jar.enableMultiRelease=force to your JVM startup flags.