Hash Table
Find duplicate number on Integer array (http://javarevisited.blogspot.sg/2014/01/how-to-remove-duplicates-from-array-java-without-collection-API.html)
Find largest and smallest number in unsorted array ()
Find kth smallest and largest element in unsorted array?
Find common elements in three sorted array?
Flatten array
Reverse array
Reverse String
Find duplicate characters from String
1.1 Is Unique
1.2 Check Permutation
1.3 URLify
1.4 Palindrome Permutation
1.5 One Away
1.6 String Compression
1.7 Rotate Matrix
1.8 Zero Matrix
1.9 String Rotation
- Single Linked List
- Double Linked List
- Circular Linked List
Find the middle of a given linked list
Delete Middle of Linked List (https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/problems/delete-middle-of-linked-list/1)
Rotate a linked list
Merge a linked list into another linked list at alternate positions. (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/merge-a-linked-list-into-another-linked-list-at-alternate-positions/)
2.1 Remove Duplicates
2.2 Find Kth to Last Element
2.3 Delete Middle Node
2.4 Partition
2.5 Sum Lists
2.6 List is Palindrome
2.7 Lists Intersect
2.8 Loop Detection
- Stack
- Queue
- Queue with 2 stacks
- Circular Queue
Balanced Brackets
Simple Text Editor
Largest Rectangle
3.1 Three in One: Describe how you could use a single array to implement three stacks
3.2 Stack Min
3.3 Stack of Plates
3.4 Queue via Stacks
3.5 Sort Stack
- Binary Search Tree
- Graph
4.1 Route Between Nodes
4.2 Minimal Tree
4.3 List of Depths
4.4 Check Balanced
4.5 Validate BST
4.6 Successor
4.7 Build Order
5.1 Insertion
5.3 Flip Bit to Win
5.4 Next Number
8.1 Triple Step
8.10 Paint Fill
8.2 Robot in a Grid
8.3 Magic Index
8.4 Power Set
8.5 Recursive Multiply
8.7 Permutations without Dups
8.8 Permutations with Dups
8.9 All Combintations of Parens
- Sorting
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Heap Sort
- Search
- Binary Search
10.1 Sorted Merge
10.2 Group Anagrams
10.3 Search in Rotated Array
10.5 Sparse Search
10.9 Sorted Matrix Search Bucket Sort Example
15.3 Dining Philoslophers
15.7 Concurrent Fizz Buzz