An online party game based on Oink Games' tabletop game, A Fake Artist Goes to New York. Draw with your phone or a mouse.
Play on Heroku:
Tech: Vue, Express,, Webpack, Mocha
Watch-build public: npm run watch-p
Build and run server: npm run build-s && npm run start
I'm not actively seeking contributors, but if you have a pull request I'm happy to take a look!
Some guidelines:
- I'm not seeking additional keyword prompts. There's already a lot!
- UI changes must reasonably accomodate iPhone 5 screens (320x568)
- FAO is simple, not ambitious. The old Crabhat Spyfall webapp was a huge inspiration for me, and it was pretty minimalistic.
- As a rule of thumb, I'm hesitant to make changes, additions, or enforcements to the rules of the game. Think of the people with house rules!
If you have questions, feel free to email me or create a feature request for discussion.
I'm also totally cool with people hosting their own forks, as long as there's credit to the original repo.
Enjoy the game? Send a tip: Ko-fi.
GNU General Public License v3.0