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Polly – a tool for monitoring cryptocurrency miners

Run this tool on your mining rig, when any of predefined errors happens (e.g., fan=0% or got incorrect share) with your miner, a predefined action will be automatically executed.


  • Continuously check console output of the miner to detect errors, and based on that the tool will fire an action which is specified in an executable file.

  • Start miner again when it exits/crashes, fire an action if the exiting happens too quickly.

  • If miner has not printed out anything to console for a while (stuck), then fire an action.

  • Periodically check new public IP address of the rig.

  • All important events – errors happen / exit normally / exit too quickly / new public IP – will be sent to a list of subscribed email addresses.

  • Remove the developer fee of the miner (NoDevFee).

  • Compatible with Claymore and PhoenixMiner.


MinerPath: D:\Claymore14.7\EthDcrMiner64.exe
MinerArgs: -esm 1 -gser 0
NoDevFee: true
  SmtpPort: 587
  Password: 12345678
  DisplayedName: Polly
- Bad:
  - cannot get current temperature
  - unspecified launch failure
  - an illegal instruction was encountered
  - gpu error
  - need to restart miner
  - opencl error
  - hangs in OpenCL call
  Action: restart.bat
- Bad:
  - got incorrect share
- Bad:
  - 'Total Speed:___Speed: 8___Speed: 9'
    DurationMinutes: 5
    - 'Total Speed: 8'
    - 'Total Speed: 9'
  Action: restart.bat
  ToleranceMinutes: 5
  Action: restart.bat
  ToleranceMinutes: 1
  Action: restart.bat
PublicIpCheckMinutes: 30
MaxLogLines: 50
  • Most of options are self-explanatory. Regarding the Sender option, it is recommended to use Gmail. You should change the to your own Gmail address (and password, of course). Remember to turn on the Allow less secure apps option of your account at

  • If a Bad or Good option contains one or many ___ (three underscore symbols), for example: abc___xyz___123, it means "contain abc but not xyz and not 123". This is useful when you cannot specify the full list of bad/good strings. For example, with a Bad option of fan=0, it's crazy to list all cases for the Good option like fan=1, fan=2, fan=3 ... Instead, you can just write the Good option as fan=___fan=0.

  • Quit the miner if it is running, then execute the tool: polly.exe.


  • You can specify a different path of the config file other than the default config.yml. Just pass the path as the first argument to polly.exe. The path can be either absolute or relative to the current execution folder. If no any path is provided, the default config.yml will be used.

  • The file or file path declared in every Action option is relative to the folder containing polly.exe.

  • If you are using Claymore/PhoenixMiner miner and its config.txt file, please leave the MinerArgs option as empty.

  • The two useful actions restart.bat (for restarting rig) and killminer.bat (for killing Claymore miner process so the miner will be re-executed again) are also provided. If you are not using Claymore, open killminer.bat and replace EthDcrMiner64.exe with your miner process name. Miner process name can be seen in Task Manager.


  • The NoDevFee feature is based on and currently only works with Stratum protocol and non-SSL DevFee pool connections.

  • To enable this feature, set NoDevFee: true in config.yml. Set it to false to disable NoDevFeefrankly, you and I should do that.

  • Open pools.txt and specify all of your used pools here. This includes the main one and failover ones. The main one must be specified first.

    • If you are using Claymore in dual mode, all the pools of DCR mining must be also specified. Make sure the main pool of ETH mining is always specified first in the file pools.txt.
  • If your miner uses SSL connections in its DevFee period, please try to avoid (or mitigate) this behavior. For example, with Claymore 11.1+ and

    • Use non-SSL pool connections (e.g., for ETH mining.
    • Add -allpools 1 to the config of Claymore.