The purpose of this program is to compute the number of occurrences of each word in a given file. The program implements a map/reduce paradigm in shared memory using pthreads.
- cmake [apt-get install cmake]
- check (only to compile/launch unit tests) [apt-get install check]
Using the cmake wrapper:
% ./configure && make
Using directly cmake:
% mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && make && cd ..
Using the cmake wrapper:
% ./configure --enable-tests && make
% make test
Using directly cmake:
% mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake -D BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=TRUE .. && make
% ctest
% bin/mapred [OPTION...] <file> <Nthreads>
- file: path to a file containing words
- Nthreads: number of threads to use
Options are :
-p, --profiling Activate profiling
-q, --quiet Do not output results
--parallel Use mapreduce in parallel mode [default]
--sequential Use mapreduce in sequential mode
--mmap Use filereader with mmap [default]
--read Use filereader with read
--read-buffer=BYTES Size of the Buffer for filereader in read mode
--iwords Use wordstreamer with interleaved words
--schunks Use wordstreamer with scattered chunks [default]
-?, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message
-V, --version Print program version
% bin/mapred data/lorem_small.txt 2
will display:
Running Mapreduce in quiet and profiling modes:
% bin/mapred data/lorem_medium.txt 4 -q -p
will display something similar to:
|-[WordStreamer 0] get: 8.196 ms
|-[Dictionary] put: 2.299 ms
|-[WordStreamer 1] get: 2.200 ms
|-[Dictionary] put: 2.451 ms
|-[WordStreamer 2] get: 2.276 ms
|-[Dictionary] put: 2.395 ms
|-[WordStreamer 3] get: 2.278 ms
|-[Dictionary] put: 2.215 ms
|-[MapReduce] map: 8.036 ms
|-[MapReduce] reduce: 0.912 ms
|---> TOTAL: 12.545 ms
|---> [File Size: 0.087 MB] -> 6.904 MB/s
|---> [Words: 13436] -> 1.071 MWords/s
Tests are performed with an Intel i5-3427U CPU @ 1.80GHz (4 SMT, 2 cores) and a SSD Kingston SSDNow mS200 as a support storage for a 100MB source file. Best performances are obtained wih the scatter mode.
% ./mapred lorem_verylarge.txt 4 -q -p
|-[WordStreamer 0] get: 844.262 ms
|-[Dictionary] put: 2508.536 ms
|-[WordStreamer 1] get: 808.657 ms
|-[Dictionary] put: 2548.914 ms
|-[WordStreamer 2] get: 805.632 ms
|-[Dictionary] put: 2545.457 ms
|-[WordStreamer 3] get: 810.067 ms
|-[Dictionary] put: 2558.705 ms
|-[MapReduce] map: 3567.679 ms
|-[MapReduce] reduce: 21.714 ms
|---> TOTAL: 3592.929 ms
|---> [File Size: 100.502 MB] -> 27.972 MB/s
|---> [Words: 15533581] -> 4.323 MWords/s