Jemma Stachelek, Christopher J. Madden, Stephen Kelly, Michelle Blaha (submitted). Improved estimation of phytoplankton abundance and fine-scale water quality features via simultaneous discrete and semi-continuous surveys.
DataflowR | ggsn | remake | knitr |
raster | maptools | gdalUtils | kableExtra |
ggplot2 | cowplot | sf | magrittr |
dplyr | viridis | fitdistrplus | gstat |
ggrepel | sp | GGally | ggjoy |
Christopher J. Madden, Jemma Stachelek, Stephen Kelly, Michelle Blaha (2017) Florida Bay water quality estimated by underway flow-through measurement. KNB Data Repository.
Building the figures, tables, and manuscript has been streamlined with GNU make. See the items defined as build targets by running the following line in the terminal:
$ make help
## data copy data from archives
## data/goodyears.csv listing of surveys with good spatial coverage
## data/allstreaming.csv move streaming data from archive folder
## data/allgrabs.csv move grab data from archive folder
## figures create figures
## figures/multipanel.png create multipanel figure
## figures/multipanel_salinity.pngcreate salinity multipanel
## figures/multipanel_mb.png create multipanel figure zoomed to Manatee Bay
## figures/multipanel_jb.png create multipanel figure zoomed to Joe Bay
## figures/fbmap_dflow.png create Florida Bay basemap with dflow grab points
## figures/fbmap_wqmn.png create Florida Bay basemap with wqmn grab points
## figures/fbmap.png create 2 panel Florida Bay basemap with grab points
## figures/rain.png create rain time-series figure
## figures/chlboxplot.png create chlorophyll boxplot
## figures/nonchlboxplot.png create non-chlorophyll boxplot
## figures/chltimeseries.png create chlorophyll time-series plot
## figures/avmap.png create average chl and phycoc maps
## figures/boundaries.png create boundaries figure
## tables create tables
## manuscripts/est_coast/table_2.texcreate table 2
## ms compile ms
## diff create latexdiff pdf