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This is the terraform code used by the Daml repository to deploy supporting infrastructure such as the Bazel caches, Nix caches and Azure Pipeline (VSTS) Agents.


To deploy the infrastructure changes, you will to get access to the da-dev-gcp-daml-language Google project from DA IT. Then run gcloud auth login to configure the local credentials.


All the infrastructure is currently deployed using Terraform. For convenience we have a little wrapper script that you can run to apply the latest changes:

$ ./apply

Writer service-account key

To avoid holding the secret key into the store, creating the key has to be done through the UI.

This can be done here:

Setting up credentials

In order to interact with these Terraform files, you will need security to give you access to the relevant GCP project (da-dev-gcp-daml-language), and login via gcloud by running:

gcloud auth application-default login --account

Resetting build nodes

Permissions to reset build nodes are defined in using the killCiNodes role. CI nodes are managed so killed nodes will be immediately replaced by a new one with the exact same configuration (but starting its initialization from scratch); we can therefore see killing a node and resetting a node as the same operation.

Nodes can be listed with

gcloud compute instances list --project=da-dev-gcp-daml-language

and individual nodes can be killed with

gcloud compute instances --project=da-dev-gcp-daml-language delete --zone=us-east4-a vsts-agent-linux-dhw4

where zone and name have to match.

As a reference, here are a couple zsh functions I have added to my shell to make my life easier:

refresh_machines() {
    machines=$(gcloud compute instances list --format=json --project=da-dev-gcp-daml-language | jq -c '[.[] | select (.name | startswith("vsts-")) | {key: .name, value: .zone | sub (".*/"; "")}] | from_entries')

kill_machine() {
    if [ -z "$machines" ]; then
    for machine in $@; do
        gcloud -q compute instances --project=da-dev-gcp-daml-language delete --zone=$(echo $machines | jq -r ".[\"$machine\"]") $machine
_kill_machine() {
    local machine_names
    if [ -z "$machines" ]; then
    machine_names=$(echo $machines | jq -r "keys - $(echo -n $words | jq -sRc 'split(" ")') | .[]")
    _arguments "*: :($machine_names)"
compdef _kill_machine kill_machine