As the saying goes, "Beer is made by men, wine by God", discover the best wines at wines.
List of User Stories
- As a wine seller, I want to publish a listing, so that I can sell wine.
- As someone who wants to buy wine, I want to search for wine, so that I can find the one that appeals to me.
- Listing Creation - Allows users to create their own listings, by having them fill up a listing creation form.
- Listing Updating - Allows users to update their own listings, by having them fill up a listing update form.
- Listing Deletion - Allows users to delete their own listings, with checks in place if they try to delete a listing they did not create.
- Searching for listings - Allows users to search for listings, by having them type in a search bar.
- User Creation - Allows users to create user accounts, by having them fill up a user creation form.
- User Account Details Updating - Allows users to update their user details, by having them fill up a user details updating form.
- User Deletion - Allows users to create their own listings, by having them fill up a listing creation form.
- User & Listing Photo Upload - Allows the user to upload photos for their listings as well as their profiles, by storing the photos on uploadcare.
- Blog Section: A fully functioning blog section with comments
- Admin Console: A functional admin console on a webpage
- Boostrap
- The project uses Boostrap to create a mobile responsive and stylish webpage.
- JQuery
- The project uses JQuery to simplify DOM manipulation.
- Django
- The project uses Django as it's main framework.
- Pillow
- The project uses Pillow to allow for the uploading of photos to AWS S3.
- coverage
- The project uses coverage to allow for test coverages to be generated.
- boto3
- The project uses boto3 to allow for the uploading of photos to AWS S3.
- botocore
- The project uses botocore to allow for the uploading of photos to AWS S3.
- dj-database-url
- The project uses dj-database-url to allow django to communicate with Heroku's Postgresql.
- django-crispy-forms
- The project uses django-crispy-forms to allow for forms to be render in a bootstrap template.
- gunicorn
- The project uses gunicorn as a python WSGI HTTP server to deploy the app on Heroku.
- django-storages
- The project uses django-storages to allow for the uploading of photos to AWS S3.
- docutils
- The project uses docutils to process documentation into useful formats, such as HTML, XML, and LaTeX.
- python-dateutil
- The project uses python-dateutil to allow python to get the current date.
- urllib3
- The project uses urllib3 as a HTTP client.
- jmespath
- The project uses jmespath as a query language for JSON.
- psycopg2
- The project uses psycopg2 to allow django to communicate with Heroku's Postgresql.
- pytz
- The project uses pytz to allow for more accurate and cross platform timezone calculations.
- whitenoise
- The project uses whitenoise to allow static files to be served from AWS s3.
- Stripe
- The project uses Stripe to process credit card payment.
- Axios
- The project uses Stripe to simplify AJAX calls.
- pyuploadcare
- The project uses pyuploadcare to integrate django and UploadCare to upload photos.
- uploadcare
- The project uses uploadcare to upload and serve images.
All of the urls for this app was tested to be working.
- Creation of the Cart was tested.
- Reading the data from the Cart was tested.
- Updating the Cart was tested.
- Deleting the entire Cart and specific items was tested.
- Creation of an Order was tested.
- Reading the data from an Order was tested.
Quantity Reducer Function
- Able to reduce quantity of stock was tested.
Customer Detail Form
- The form was tested for both Valid and Missing Fields state.
Payment Form
- The form was tested for both Valid and Missing Fields state.
- Custom Errors generated by Stripe
All of the urls for this app was tested to be working.
All of the webpages for this app was tested to be working.
Creation of Products was tested.
Reading the data of each individual Product was tested.
Updating Product details was tested.
Deletion of Products was tested.
Product Form
- The form was tested for both Valid and Missing Fields state.
All of the urls for this app was tested to be working.
All of the webpages for this app was tested to be working.
Creation of Users was tested.
Reading the data of each individual User was tested.
Updating User details was tested.
Deletion of Users was tested.
- The form was tested for both Valid and Missing Fields state.
Login and Logout was tested.
All of the urls for this app was tested to be working.
All of the webpages for this app was tested to be working.
Contact Form
- The form was tested for both Valid and Missing Fields state.
- Creation of UseBlogsrs was tested.
- Reading the data of each individual Blog was tested.
- Updating Blog details was tested.
Blog Form
- The form was tested for both Valid and Missing Fields state.
On the development version, sensitive information is stored in an that is not pushed to github. Where as on the deployed version, these sensitive information are stored in the Heroku Config Vars
To run the app locally:
- Open the terminal.
- Run this command.
- Click on the local host link address to open the app the web browser.
You can view the deployed version on Heroku
- The photos used in this site were obtained from Stock Snap,Pexels,Unsplash,Pixabay
- The Boostrap Template was taken from ColorLib