Say hello to your new GitHub API docs Octokit.rb overlord. OctoDoctoTron places all your favorite Octokit.rb methods directly into the absolutely beautiful official GitHub API docs, not only do you see the methods for each API endpoint but they link directly to their Octokit.rb docs counterpart for quick reference.
This is still an early experiment so try it at your own risk. A sneek peek of it in action is below as well as how you can install the chrome extension.
Install Octodoctotron from the Chrome Web Store
You can also download the extension file from the octodoctotron Releases page.
Lastly you can install the extension unpacked by following these steps:
Clone down the repo.
Go to chrome://extensions.
Enable developer mode.
Click load unpacked extension, point to octodoctotron/build/octodoctotron
Visit and enjoy.
Two parts ruby to one part javascript. The data for octodoctotron is extracted directly from the Octokit.rb source code. Ruby 2.0.0 is being used. The javascript part is a simple chrome extension that uses the data we extract to inject the names of Octokit methods and the links to their docs.
Clone the project then run:
Tests are included for the ruby parts. They test directly against the code of the latest Octokit gem. Run them with:
The build command will extract the doc data from Octokit.rb and compile that into the chrome extension. To build simple run:
I started this project with a journal to keep track of my thoughts and progress. Neat.