A platform for real-time streaming search
The goal of this project is to provide a clean, scalable architecture for real-time search on streaming data. Additionally, the project contains utilities to provide some very simple throughput benchmarking of Elasticsearch Percolators vs Lucence-Luwak. Preliminary benchmarks may be found in:
Comments and critiques about these benchmarks are greatly appreciated!
This project was inspired by the following excellent blog posts on streaming search:
- http://www.confluent.io/blog/real-time-full-text-search-with-luwak-and-samza/
- http://www.flax.co.uk/blog/2015/07/27/a-performance-comparison-of-streamed-search-implementations/
I completed this project as a Fellow in the 2015C Inisght Data Engineering Silicon Valley program.
- Automated AWS cluster deployment utilities using boto3
- Java based Storm implementation:
- KafkaSpout for query and document spouts
- Two flavors of streaming search bolts:
- Elasticsearch-Percolators
- Pure Lucene with Luwak
- Storm toplogy for streaming search and configuration management
- Scripts to populate document streams, including twitter API sampling utilities
- Simple Python flask web UI
- Testing and other utilities, including Docker components so that the entire topology can run on a local machine
The core of the platform is an Apache Storm cluster which parallelizes the work of real-time streaming search. Internally, the Storm cluster consumes messages from a Kafka cluster and these messages are distributed to bolts which each contain a Lucene-Luwak index. The project contains a demo flask UI which handles subscriptions with a Redis PUBSUB system.
More about the architecture can be found at: http://straw.ryanwalker.us/about
- install docker-compose and redis-server
- run src/util/stage_demo_mode.sh This will create dockers for Kafka with Zookeeper and Elasticsearch and will populate these services with some example data. [BUG: You may have to run this script twice!]
- cd src/storming_search OR src/luwak_search
- run mvn package
- ./run_search_topology.sh [BUG: You need to push lots of documents to Kafka or you'll get an error]
- In a seperate terminal, activate the frontend by calling ./run.py from src/frontend
Prerequisites: You need
- The aws cli
- Python boto3
- Set your default configurations by calling "aws configure"
- cd src/aws_config
- run ./create_clusters.py --help to get instructions about this AWS creation script and follow instructions. You may wish to edit a few things in this file, such as the tag_prefix which gives a unique custom prefix to each service.
- src/aws_config/configure contains scripts to configure each of the individual services; you'll need to run each of these to configure the resource.
Once resources are created, you can run
NOTE: You should modify the tag-prefix in this file to match the tag prefix you've set elsewhere. [FEATURE: Tag should be set in a GLOBAL CONFIG file.]
Install redis on same server as UI and modify the bind interface redis conf -- set bind
sudo apt-get install redis-server
sudo vi /etc/redis/redis.conf
If you want to use a seperate redis instance for benchmarking, you should repeat the above step on a different AWS machine. [FEATURE: Add the redis config to the deployment scripts.]