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Grav Export


PHP v7.1 or above for the composer dependencies. WP-CLI Working Wordpress 5 site from which content will be exported. R/W access to wp-content/uploads on the Wordpress site.


  1. Download and move this plugin to your Wordpress's wp-content/plugins folder.
  2. Run composer install within the wp2grav_exporter folder to install dependencies.
  3. Enable it via wp plugin activate wp2grav_exporter or via the admin gui.
  4. Run wp wp2grav-all to export all items. See other options below.
  5. Exported files are located at WP_ROOT/wp-content/uploads/wp2grav-exports/DATE
  6. The Grav plugin is recommended to view and manage users for Grav v1.6 sites.


Exporting Users from Wordpress


`wp wp2grav-users will generate Grav user account files.


  • User accounts in the export folder under EXPORT/accounts/.
    • Usernames will be padded to a minimum of 3 characters, maximum of 16.
    • If a username is truncated or padded, the username will also have the Wordpress uid to avoid collisions.
    • Passwords in each account are randomly generated, and have no connection with the respective Wordpress account. The password automatically switches to a hashed_password once the account authenticates for the first time.

Importing Users to Grav

Copy the EXPORT/accounts folder to your user directory (e.g. username.yaml files should be placed at user/accounts).

Exporting User Roles from Wordpress


wp wp2grav-roles will generate a Grav groups.yaml file.


Wordpress user roles export as Grav groups in a groups.yaml file at config/groups.yaml. Some notes about the role exporting:

  • Each Wordpress role is converted to the Grav group wp_<ROLE_WITH_UNDERSCORES> (e.g. subscriber becomes wp_subscriber).
  • Wordpress users with administrator roles receive the wp_administrator group.
  • The wp_administrator group receives admin.super access along with admin.login access. Accounts with these permissions are full admins on the site!
  • A new Grav group called wp_authenticated_user group receives admin.login access.
  • All accounts receive the "wp_authenticated_user" group.

Importing User Roles

Copy the EXPORT/config folder to users/config.


Exports Wordpress content to GravCMS







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