TCOS stands for Timed and Concurrent Operational Semantics. This is a meta language dedicated to the definition of behavioural semantics.
A TCOS specification is linked to a (langium) BNF and specify how to execute programs conforming the imported BNF.
a TCOS specification is amenable to the automatic generation of a compiler for the imported language.
a main difference between TCOS and other meta spec for behavioral semantics is that it reifies the notion of events and clock to ease the specification of timed and concurrent languages.
The project is still in infancy phase and is continously evolving.
If you're interested by any aspect of this language, please contact me.
If you're curious to see what a very simple TCOS specification looks like, see ./sos_examples/testFSE.sos
more advanced examples are in the pipe, waiting for the meta compiler to work on more cases.
to be explained