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The Diem Blockchain is a replicated state machine. Each validator is a replica of the system. Starting from genesis state S0, each transaction Ti updates previous state Si-1 to Si. Each Si is a mapping from accounts (represented by 32-byte addresses) to some data associated with each account.

The execution component takes the ordered transactions, computes the output for each transaction via the Move virtual machine, applies the output on the previous state, and generates the new state. The execution system cooperates with the consensus algorithm — HotStuff, a leader-based algorithm — to help it agree on a proposed set of transactions and their execution. Such a group of transactions is a block. Unlike in other blockchain systems, blocks have no significance other than being a batch of transactions — every transaction is identified by its position within the ledger, which is also referred to as its "version". Each consensus participant builds a tree of blocks like the following:

                   ┌-- C
          ┌-- B <--┤
          |        └-- D
<--- A <--┤                            (A is the last committed block)
          |        ┌-- F <--- G
          └-- E <--┤
                   └-- H

          ↓  After committing block E

                 ┌-- F <--- G
<--- A <--- E <--┤                     (E is the last committed block)
                 └-- H

A block is a list of transactions that should be applied in the given order once the block is committed. Each path from the last committed block to an uncommitted block forms a valid chain. Regardless of the commit rule of the consensus algorithm, there are two possible operations on this tree:

  1. Adding a block to the tree using a given parent and extending a specific chain (for example, extending block F with the block G). When we extend a chain with a new block, the block should include the correct execution results of the transactions in the block as if all its ancestors have been committed in the same order. However, all the uncommitted blocks and their execution results are held in some temporary location and are not visible to external clients.
  2. Committing a block. As consensus collects more and more votes on blocks, it decides to commit a block and all its ancestors according to some specific rules. Then we save all these blocks to permanent storage and also discard all the conflicting blocks at the same time.

Therefore, the executor component provides two primary APIs - execute_block and commit_block - to support the above operations.

Implementation Details

The state at each version is represented as a sparse Merkle tree in storage. When a transaction modifies an account, the account and the siblings from the root of the Merkle tree to the account are loaded into memory. For example, if we execute a transaction Ti on top of the committed state and the transaction modified account A, we will end up having the following tree:

            /   \
           o     y
          / \
         x   A

In the tree shown above, A has the new state of the account, and y and x are the siblings on the path from the root of the tree to A. If the next transaction Ti+1 modified another account B that lives in the subtree at y, a new tree will be constructed, and the structure will look like the following:

                S_i        S_{i+1}
               /   \      /       \
              /     y   /          \
             / _______/             \
            //                       \
           o                          y'
          / \                        / \
         x   A                      z   B

Using this structure, we are able to query the global state, taking into account the output of uncommitted transactions. For example, if we want to execute another transaction Ti+1', we can use the tree Si. If we look for account A, we can find its new value in the tree. Otherwise, we know the account does not exist in the tree, and we can fall back on storage. As another example, if we want to execute transaction Ti+2, we can use the tree Si+1 that has updated values for both account A and B.

How is this component organized?

      │   ├── block_processor    # A processor thread that execute and commit block directly.
      │   └── mock_vm            # Mock implementations that are used for testing only.
      └── tests                  # Integration tests with storage, etc.