A python module that lets you handle disk images in an easy way.
pip install diskimage
The tool comes with a commandline client di
that will let you work with diskimages:
usage: di <command> <options> diskimagefile
Get information from disk-images.
positional arguments:
{fls} Command to run. "fls" will list full path for all files found in diskimage
diskimagefile The diskimage file to open
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Add verbosity, -vv to enable debugging
--version Print version information
Example: "di fls test.dd"
You can also use the available python methods directly from your script:
>>> import diskimage as di
>>> image = di.DiskImage.from_file('split.E01')
>>> image.filesystems
[<diskimage.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x741564ba8580>, <diskimage.filesystem.FileSystem object at 0x741564ba8100>]
>>> [item.name for item in image.get_items()]
['$AttrDef', '$BadClus', '$Bitmap', '$Boot', '$Extend', '$ObjId', '$Quota', '$Reparse', '$LogFile', '$MFT', '$MFTMirr', '$Secure', '$UpCase', '$Volume', 'secret.txt', '$OrphanFiles', '$AttrDef', '$BadClus', '$Bitmap', '$Boot', '$Extend', '$ObjId', '$Quota', '$Reparse', '$LogFile', '$MFT', '$MFTMirr', '$Secure', '$UpCase', '$Volume', 'secret.txt', '$OrphanFiles']
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Jarle Thorsen - @jarlethorsen - jarlethorsen@gmail.com
Project Link: https://github.com/jarlethorsen/diskimage