is a simple and lightweight replica of iOS 7 UISwitch
for Mac OS X.
Not much to it, simply set the custom class of a NSView
to ITSwitch
in Interface Builder.
You can create an IBAction and simply connect the two in Interface Builder.
Additionally, you can use these two properties:
* @property checked - Gets or sets the switches state
@property (nonatomic, assign) IBInspectable BOOL checked;
* @property tintColor - Gets or sets the switches tint
@property (nonatomic, strong) IBInspectable NSColor *tintColor;
Since ITSwitch
uses its CALayer
to draw a drop-shadow, you should also layer-back it's superview.
If you don't use Core Animation, you can also simply embed the view in a layer-backed view.
ITSwitch requires 10.9+ and linking against the QuartzCore.framework.
You may want to consider setting the width of the view to the golden ratio * height.
So for example:
height = 20;
width = height * 1.618;