Clone the project
Prepare and activate virtual environment in the project directory
python -m venv venv
source venv/Scripts/activate
Install requirements from the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the API server
uvicorn server:app --port 44777 --reload
Run unit tests
for classes
python -m unittest -v
for API server
python -m unittest -v
Following set of classes, classes tests, RESTful API and API unit tests are implemented.
- IP - string;
- Credentials of type Credentials;
- Storage that contains list of instances of type MountPoint.
- Username - string;
- Password - string;
- Domain - string.
- Mount point name - string (Example: “c:\”);
- Total size of the volume - int.
- Username, password, IP should not be None;
- IP cannot change for the specific source.
- Cloud type: aws, azure, vsphere, vcloud (no other values are allowed);
- Cloud Credentials of type Credentials;
- Target Vm object of type Workload.
- Selected Mount points: list of MountPoint;
- Source of type Workload;
- Migration Target of type MigrationTarget;
- Migration state: not started, running, error, success;
- Implement run() method - run method should sleep for X min (simulate running migration) copy source object to the Migration Target. Target VM and target should only have mount points that are selected. For example, if source has: C:\ D: and E:\ and only C: was selected, target should only have C:\ ;
- Implement business logic to not allow running migrations when volume C:\ is not allowed.
Implement persistence layer to allow to save all those classes into filesystem. It should allow to create, update, read and delete objects. You cannot have more than one source with the same IP. Hints: json/pickle/filesystem
The solution should work on Linux. Assume that you are writing production quality code - same quality and same coding standards (PEP-8), code and package structure. Unit tests are a requirement.
- Implement REST API server that exposes the objects;
- It should allow to add/remove/modify each Workload, but not the IP address of the workload;
- It should allow to add/remove/modify Migration;
- It should allow to start migration (by calling run);
- It should allow to see if migration is finished;
- It should not allow to change fields that cannot be changed;
- Implement test harness (curl/requests library/anything else) for verification that REST API works as expected.