Period is a beautiful theme for Hugo.
Reference from Laruence's blog
view the Demo Site
goto your hugo site
cd {path-to-your-hugo-site}
get the theme
git clone themes/period
copy theme config file
copy themes/period/exampleSite/config.toml config.toml
run your hugo site
hugo server -t period
theme = "period"
baseURL = ""
copyright = "© All rights reserved"
paginate = 20
title = "Period Theme"
name = "Home"
url = "/"
weight = 1
name = "Posts"
url = "/post/"
weight = 2
name = "Abount"
url = "/about/"
weight = 3
logo = ""
subTitle = "A beautiful theme for Hugo."
highlightjs = ""
jquery = ""
highlightjs = ""
repo = "{org}/{repo}"
show = false
theme = "github-light"
description = "A fullstack developer"
logo = ""
show = true
title = "Idoubi"
show = false
title = "WeChat Official Account"
url = ""
show = true
title = "Open Source Projects"
description = "Daily news for golang"
name = "gonews"
url = ""
description = "Generate go struct according to SQL"
name = "sql2struct"
url = ""
description = "Request library used in golang"
name = "goz"
url = ""
show = true
title = "Friendly Links"
title = "Hugo"
url = ""
title = "Theme period"
url = ""
show = true
title = "Categories"
show = true
title = "Tags"
Any suggestions or pull request will be appreciated.