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Tags: iamkun/dayjs



Toggle v1.11.13's commit message
chore(release): 1.11.13 [skip ci]

## [1.11.13](v1.11.12...v1.11.13) (2024-08-20)

### Bug Fixes

* customParseFormat supports Q quter / w ww weekOfYear ([#2705](#2705)) ([8ca74f1](8ca74f1))


Toggle v1.11.12's commit message
chore(release): 1.11.12 [skip ci]

## [1.11.12](v1.11.11...v1.11.12) (2024-07-18)

### Bug Fixes

* Add NegativeYear Plugin support  ([#2640](#2640)) ([6a42e0d](6a42e0d))
* add UTC support to negativeYear plugin ([#2692](#2692)) ([f3ef705](f3ef705))
* Fix zero offset issue when use tz with locale ([#2532](#2532)) ([d0e6738](d0e6738))
* Improve typing for min/max plugin ([#2573](#2573)) ([4fbe94a](4fbe94a))
* timezone plugin currect parse UTC tz ([#2693](#2693)) ([b575c81](b575c81))


Toggle v1.11.11's commit message
chore(release): 1.11.11 [skip ci]

## [1.11.11](v1.11.10...v1.11.11) (2024-04-28)

### Bug Fixes

* day of week type literal ([#2630](#2630)) ([f68d73e](f68d73e))
* improve locale "zh-hk" format and meridiem ([#2419](#2419)) ([a947a51](a947a51))
* Update 'da' locale to match correct first week of year ([#2592](#2592)) ([44b0936](44b0936))
* update locale Bulgarian monthsShort Jan ([#2538](#2538)) ([f0c9a41](f0c9a41))


Toggle v1.11.10's commit message
chore(release): 1.11.10 [skip ci]

## [1.11.10](v1.11.9...v1.11.10) (2023-09-19)

### Bug Fixes

* Add Korean Day of Month with ordinal ([#2395](#2395)) ([dd55ee2](dd55ee2))
* change back fa locale to the Gregorian calendar equivalent ([#2411](#2411)) ([95e9458](95e9458))
* duration plugin - MILLISECONDS_A_MONTH const calculation ([#2362](#2362)) ([f0a0b54](f0a0b54))
* duration plugin getter get result  0 instead of undefined ([#2369](#2369)) ([061aa7e](061aa7e))
* fix isDayjs check logic ([#2383](#2383)) ([5f3f878](5f3f878))
* fix timezone plugin to get correct locale setting ([#2420](#2420)) ([4f45012](4f45012))
* **locale:** add meridiem in `ar` locale ([#2418](#2418)) ([361be5c](361be5c))
* round durations to millisecond precision for ISO string ([#2367](#2367)) ([890a17a](890a17a))
* sub-second precisions need to be rounded at the seconds field to avoid adding floats ([#2377](#2377)) ([a9d7d03](a9d7d03))
* update $x logic to avoid plugin error ([#2429](#2429)) ([2254635](2254635))
* Update Slovenian locale for relative time ([#2396](#2396)) ([5470a15](5470a15))
* update uzbek language translation ([#2327](#2327)) ([0a91056](0a91056))


Toggle v1.11.9's commit message
chore(release): 1.11.9 [skip ci]

## [1.11.9](v1.11.8...v1.11.9) (2023-07-01)

### Bug Fixes

* Add null to min and max plugin return type ([#2355](#2355)) ([62d9042](62d9042))
* check if null passed to objectSupport parser ([#2175](#2175)) ([013968f](013968f))
* dayjs.diff improve performance ([#2244](#2244)) ([33c80e1](33c80e1))
* dayjs(null) throws error, not return dayjs object as invalid date ([#2334](#2334)) ([c79e2f5](c79e2f5))
* objectSupport plugin causes an error when null is passed to dayjs function (closes [#2277](#2277)) ([#2342](#2342)) ([89bf31c](89bf31c))
* Optimize format method ([#2313](#2313)) ([1fe1b1d](1fe1b1d))
* update Duration plugin add/subtract take into account days in month ([#2337](#2337)) ([3b1060f](3b1060f))
* update MinMax plugin 1. ignore the 'null' in args 2. return the only one arg ([#2330](#2330)) ([3c2c6ee](3c2c6ee))


Toggle v1.11.8's commit message
chore(release): 1.11.8 [skip ci]

## [1.11.8](v1.11.7...v1.11.8) (2023-06-02)

### Bug Fixes

* .format add padding to 'YYYY' ([#2231](#2231)) ([00c223b](00c223b))
* Added .valueOf method to Duration class ([#2226](#2226)) ([9b4fcfd](9b4fcfd))
* timezone type mark `date` parameter as optional ([#2222](#2222)) ([b87aa0e](b87aa0e))
* type file first parameter date is optional in isSame(), isBefore(), isAfter() ([#2272](#2272)) ([4d56f3e](4d56f3e))


Toggle v1.11.7's commit message
chore(release): 1.11.7 [skip ci]

## [1.11.7](v1.11.6...v1.11.7) (2022-12-06)

### Bug Fixes

* Add locale (zh-tw) meridiem ([#2149](#2149)) ([1e9ba76](1e9ba76))
* update fa locale ([#2151](#2151)) ([1c26732](1c26732))


Toggle v1.11.6's commit message
chore(release): 1.11.6 [skip ci]

## [1.11.6](v1.11.5...v1.11.6) (2022-10-21)

### Bug Fixes

* add BigIntSupport plugin ([#2087](#2087)) ([f6dce48](f6dce48))
* Fix objectSupport collides with Duration plugin - issue [#2027](#2027) ([#2038](#2038)) ([c9370ea](c9370ea))


Toggle v1.11.5's commit message
chore(release): 1.11.5 [skip ci]

## [1.11.5](v1.11.4...v1.11.5) (2022-08-12)

### Bug Fixes

* ordinal for nl not working ([#2011](#2011)) ([c93c85e](c93c85e))
* wrong ordinal for french locale ([#2010](#2010)) ([dd192a7](dd192a7))


Toggle v1.11.4's commit message
chore(release): 1.11.4 [skip ci]

## [1.11.4](v1.11.3...v1.11.4) (2022-07-19)

### Bug Fixes

* correct past property in ku (kurdish) locale ([#1916](#1916)) ([74e82b9](74e82b9))
* fix French [fr] local ordinal ([#1932](#1932)) ([8f09834](8f09834))
* fix objectSupport plugin ConfigTypeMap type ([#1441](#1441)) ([#1990](#1990)) ([fd51fe4](fd51fe4))
* fix type error to add ordianl property in InstanceLocaleDataReturn and GlobalLocaleDataReturn types ([#1931](#1931)) ([526f0ae](526f0ae))
* update locale ar-* meridiem function ([#1954](#1954)) ([3d31611](3d31611))
* zh-tw / zh-hk locale ordinal error ([#1976](#1976)) ([0a1bd08](0a1bd08))