BUAA-CST Spring 2019 Cryptography Experiment Project Code (Python).
- Python 3
- multiprocessing
- numpy [optional]
- matplotlib [optional]
- utils/ - Some useful utilities in cryptography.
- bigInt.cpp - Big integer arithmetic in C++. [ref]
- bitarray.py - A bit array class.
- matrix.py - Arithmetic of matrices.
- residue_field.py - Residue field
. - extension_field.py - Galois Field
. - galois_field.py - Galois Field
- algorithms/ - Basic algorithms in cryptography.
- prime_sieve.py - Generate primes with Sieve of Eratosthenes.
- exgcd.py - Extended Euclidean algorithm.
- power.py - Modular exponentiation algorithm.
- crt.py - Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT).
- prime_test.py - Probabilistic primality testing. (Miller–Rabin/Fermat/Solovay–Strassen)
- prime_root.py - Generate prime roots in
. - prime_poly.py - Generate prime polynomial in
. - jacobi.py - Calculate the Jacobi symbol.
- classical/ - Classical Cryptography.
- affine.py - Affine Cipher.
- vigenere.py - Vigenere Cipher.
- vernam.py - Vernam Cipher.
- crack_single_table.py - Crack simple substitution cipher using letter frequency analysis.
- hill.py - Hill cipher and the cracker.
- des/ - Data Encryption Standard (DES).
- des_utils.py - Some utilities in DES.
- des.py - A 64-bit DES block cipher.
- diff_crypt.py - Use differential cryptanalysis to attack DES cipher.
- triple_des.py - A 3-DES block cipher.
- s_des.py - A simplified DES cipher.
- mitm.py - Use meet-in-the-middle attack on double S-DES.
- aes/ - Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
- aes.py - A 128-bit AES block cipher.
- fast_aes.py - A look-up-table implementation of AES to accelerate the algorithm.
- block_cipher.py - Some block cipher modes of operation. (ECB/CBC/CFB)
- cipher_gui.py - A simple GUI for our block cipher.
- rsa/ - Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cryptosystem.
- knapsack_cipher.py - A public-key cryptosystem based on knapsack problem.
- rsa.py - A 1024-bit RSA public-key cryptosystem.
- rsa_oaep.py - RSA with Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP).
- ecc/ - Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC).
- ecc.py - The basic elliptic curve arithmetic.
- diffie_hellman_ecc.py - The anonymous key agreement protocol over elliptic curves. (Also ECDH)
- elgamal_ecc.py - The ElGamal public-key cryptosystem over elliptic curves.
- sm2.py - The SM2 (GM/T 0003-2012) public-key cryptography standard.
- hash/ - Cryptographic hash functions.
- sha_utils.py - Some utilities for Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) family.
- sha1.py - The SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) hash function.
- sha3.py - The SHA-3 (Secure Hash Algorithm 3) hash function. (Also Keccak)
- hmac.py - A HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) function with SHA.
- birthday_attack.py - A birthday attack example on SHA3-16.
- message_variants.py - Generate arbitrary number of message variants.
- dsa/ - Digital signature algorithms.
- dsa.py - The NIST proposed DSA in Digital Signature Standard (DSS).
- elgamal_dsa.py - The ElGamal signature scheme based on DLP.
- schnorr_dsa.py - The Schnorr signature scheme based on DLP.
- sm2_dsa.py - The SM2 (GM/T 0003-2012) digital signature algorithm based on ECC.
- testdata/ - Test data folder.
- text.txt - A UTF-8 encoded text file contains short Chinese and English sentences.
Simplified Chinese Only!!!
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
Don't copy, learn.